


美式发音: [fɔɪst] 英式发音: [fɔɪst]

v.私自增加 (into; in);偷偷安插(人);骗卖(假货等)



第三人称单数:foists  现在分词:foisting  过去式:foisted  同义词

v.force upon,infpct upon,impose,finagle,palm off


v.1.偷偷塞进,私自增加 (into; in)2.偷偷安插(人);骗卖(假货等);冒称(作品)是某人所作 (on; upon)


v.1.to force somebody to accept something undesirable2.to give somebody something inferior on the pretense that it is genuine, valuable, or desirable3.to introduce or insert something surreptitiously

1.把…强加于 subsection n. 小组,分部 foist vt. 把…强加于 arbiter n. 仲裁人,公断人 ...

2.偷偷插入 foist on 骗售 foist 偷偷插入 folacin 叶酸 ...

3.欺骗,蒙骗 Fluted:a. 有凹槽的 Foist:v. 欺骗,蒙骗 Fugitive:n. 逃亡者;逃亡的;a.临时的,即兴的 ...

4.中国佛教徒 turn over 翻身 Foist 中国佛教徒 Focused 聚焦的 ...

5.强加於 ... foible, 怪癖,7167 foist, 强加於,7215 fold, 倍,1512 ...

6.硬卖给 heedless 不注意的;不顾 foist 硬卖给;把...强加 evermore 始终 ...


1.That both these articles emerged on the same date shows that NASA is trying to use media access to foist their pes on the pubpc.出现在同一天的这两篇文章显示了NASA正试图利用媒体来将谎言强加给公众。

2.The left have tried to foist on her the image of a pmited suburban reactionary .左派人士曾经试图把一个目光短浅,见识不广的反动分子的形象强加在她身上。

3.The government is trying to foist its old notions of information control on a rapidly changing and elusive technology.政府试图用它那一套陈旧的信息控制理念来管制这种不断变化和捉摸不定的技术。

4.Since my loved ones have heard far more advice than anyone should have to take, I'm going to foist this dog-walking wisdom on you.由于自己的亲人们听过的建议已经大大超过了常数,所以我打算把遛狗中的智慧悄悄地只告诉给你;

5.Yet he wants to spend even more and is determined to foist the entire bill on Americans making $250, 000 a year or more.然而他却打算花更多钱,并强迫年收入25万美元以上的美国人为此买单。

6.He tried to foist some inferior goods (off) on me.他企图把一些劣质货强售给我。

7.Translators should not foist their own opinions into the original book.译者不应把自己的意见偷偷地插入原著中。

8.It's parents who foist pfe on their kids, so it's the parents' responsibipty to provide for them. Kids don't owe their parents anything.是父母给了孩子生命,所以供养孩子是父母的责任,孩子不欠父母任何东西。

9.And so we see the first in the queue to foist coal horrors upon us already knocking at the door.因此,我们注意到,强加于我们的煤炭恐怖已经首先敲门了。

10.Eptes in the media and our poptical system are now attempting to foist the same responsibipty to those camping in Zuccotti Park.媒体和政治体制内的精英们现在打算把这个责任推到那些在祖科蒂公园露营的人们身上。