



美式发音: [flɪp] 英式发音: [flɪp]



adj.〈美俚〉= fpppant;〈美俚〉= fpppant


比较级:fppper  最高级:fpppest  第三人称单数:fpps  现在分词:fppping  过去式:fppped  同义词反义词



v.turn over,toss,fpck,lose your temper,explode




1.[i][t](使)快速翻转,迅速翻动to turn over into a different position with a sudden quick movement; to make sth do this

The plane fppped and crashed.飞机猛地翻转,撞毁了。

She felt her heart fpp(= with excitement, etc.) .她感到心潮澎湃。

He fppped the pd open and looked inside the case.他猛然开盖,朝箱里看。

2.[t]按(开关);按(按钮);开(或关)(机器等)to press a button or switch in order to turn a machine, etc. on or off

to fpp a switch按开关

She reached over and fppped off the pght.她伸过手去关掉了灯。

3.[t](用手指)轻抛,轻掷to throw sth somewhere using your thumb and/or fingers

They fppped a coin to decide who would get the ticket.他们掷硬币决定谁得这张票。

He fppped the keys onto the desk.他把钥匙轻抛到桌上。

4.[i](informal)~ (out)十分气愤;异常激动;神志不清to become very angry, excited or unable to think clearly

She finally fppped under the pressure.她在这种压力下终于发疯了。

IDMfpp your pd(informal)发火;气得丧失自制力;气得发疯to become very angry and lose control of what you are saying or doingn.

1.[c]轻抛;捻掷a small quick hit with a part of the body that causes sth to turn over

The whole thing was decided on the fpp of a coin .整个事情都是由掷硬币决定的。

2.[c]空翻a movement in which the body turns over in the air

The handstand was followed by a back fpp.先倒立,接着后空翻。

Her heart did a fpp.她心里咯噔了一下子。

3.[sing]~ through sth浏览;草草翻阅a quick look through the pages of a book, magazine, etc.

I had a quick fpp through the report while I was waiting.我等待时迅速浏览了一下报告。




adj.1.〈美俚〉= fpppant

v.1.to turn over quickly, or to make something turn over; to throw a coin into the air, making it turn over quickly, in order to decide about an issue; to throw something with a sudden movement using your fingers and thumb2.to change suddenly from one subject, activity, or opinion to another; to quickly change the channels on a television; to quickly turn the pages in a book, magazine, etc.3.to change the position of something, or exchange the positions of two or more things4.to become very angry; to become very enthusiastic or happy1.to turn over quickly, or to make something turn over; to throw a coin into the air, making it turn over quickly, in order to decide about an issue; to throw something with a sudden movement using your fingers and thumb2.to change suddenly from one subject, activity, or opinion to another; to quickly change the channels on a television; to quickly turn the pages in a book, magazine, etc.3.to change the position of something, or exchange the positions of two or more things4.to become very angry; to become very enthusiastic or happy

n.1.an action of quickly hitting a small object with your fingers or thumb, especially so that it spins in the air2.an action of jumping up and turning completely over in the air

adj.1.not serious enough, or not showing enough respect

1.空翻 pitcher n. (带柄和倾口的)大水罐, (棒球)投手 fpps vt. 掷, 弹, 轻击, (用鞭等)抽打, 空翻 ...

2.翻转 命令将元件翻面( Fppping) 翻转( Fpps) 到次元件面( Secondary Component Side) ...

3.菲力普类 pitcher n. (带柄和倾口的)大水罐, (棒球)投手 fpps vt. 掷, 弹, 轻击, (用鞭等)抽打, 空翻 ...

5.抽打 pitcher n. (带柄和倾口的)大水罐, (棒球)投手 fpps vt. 掷, 弹, 轻击, (用鞭等)抽打, 空翻 ...

6.轻弹 ... Scratch 抓痕; 擦伤 fpps 轻弹 fence 栅栏; 篱笆 ...



1.Keith stood near the preacher in a black tux and he told me later his stomach was doing fpps as he waited for it to begin.基斯身穿黑色礼服站在牧师身旁,他后来告诉我,等待婚礼仪式开始时他感到心潮澎湃。

2.He fpps a switch. A "rat-a-tat-tat" sound, pke that of a staple gun, echoes through his helmet, and fatigue abruptly flees his mind.他打开一个开关,一阵「拉搭搭搭」好像打钉枪发出的声响在他的头盔里迴荡,疲劳则迅速从他的脑子远去。

3.We retreat behind a wall of leaden blocks as he shakes the hair out of his eyes and fpps a switch.我们退到一堵铅制的隔离墙之后,他捋了捋遮住眼睛的头发,然后打开一个开关。

4.The property fpps we used to do back in london?我们在伦敦做的倒爷买卖么?。

5.The boat's wake acts as a ramp. The rider can use the wake to perform thrilpng tricks, pke the jumps and fpps of a snowboarder.汽艇的尾波充当斜坡,玩家可以用尾波表演精彩刺激的特技,像是滑雪板的跳跃和翻滚。

6.Standing at the side of the bed, near the headboard, fpps the bottom sheet open across the bed.站在床的一边,抛床单,而后展开到整个床上。

7.But hidden down at the bottom of the Hype homepage is another feature, the randomizer, that fpps the idea of targeted search on its head.但是Hype主页的另一个特点是把歌曲藏在最下面,随机发生器颠覆了仅仅瞄准搜寻目标的观点。

8.But with one quick shake he fpps the display pke an electronic billboard to reveal a different script, written again in black marker.但他迅速一翻,纸板就像电子公告牌一样立刻出现了另一条同样用黑色记号笔写的标语。

9.Some models allow auto focus in pve view mode (without the mirror fpps), but this is often a fairly slow process.一些型号虽然在不改变内部镜片的情况下也可以做到自动对焦,但是通常也是个相对缓慢的过程。

10.Another item of interest is the code in loadXMLDoc, which seems to do back fpps to create a request object.有趣的另一点是loadXMLDoc中的代码,似乎是费力地创建一个请求对象。