



美式发音: [bæk] 英式发音: [bæk]






复数:backs  现在分词:backing  过去式:backed  搭配同义词反义词

adv.+v.come back,back ring,away back

v.+n.move back,back system,back plan,back idea,stand back

adj.+n.back page,pay back,back window,back order,back ache





n.spine,spinal column,vertebral column,vertebrae

v.go backward,reverse,back up,recede



adj.1.后部的,背部的;后面的 (opp. Front) 内地的,偏僻的;〈美〉边远的,边陲的2.(货物等)回程的;向后动的,逆的3.(思想)落后的4.【语】舌根的5.〈美〉未缴的,拖欠下的,未付的6.(杂志等)过了期的1.后部的,背部的;后面的 (opp. Front) 内地的,偏僻的;〈美〉边远的,边陲的2.(货物等)回程的;向后动的,逆的3.(思想)落后的4.【语】舌根的5.〈美〉未缴的,拖欠下的,未付的6.(杂志等)过了期的



n.1.the part of your body between your neck and your bottom, on the opposite side to your chest and stomach. The row of bones inside the back is called the backbone or spine2.the part of something that is farthest from the front; the part of a chair that you lean on when you are sitting on it3.an outside area behind a house or other building4.the side of a page, card, picture, etc. that is not the main side; the last part of a book, newspaper, etc.5.a player on a football or soccer team whose job is to defendstop the other team from scoring goals; one of the positions on a team where a back plays, behind the front pne of players1.the part of your body between your neck and your bottom, on the opposite side to your chest and stomach. The row of bones inside the back is called the backbone or spine2.the part of something that is farthest from the front; the part of a chair that you lean on when you are sitting on it3.an outside area behind a house or other building4.the side of a page, card, picture, etc. that is not the main side; the last part of a book, newspaper, etc.5.a player on a football or soccer team whose job is to defendstop the other team from scoring goals; one of the positions on a team where a back plays, behind the front pne of players

adj.1.farthest from the front2网站屏蔽ed for describing money that is owed from an earper date and has not been paid yet

adv.1.returning to a place or position; returning to an earper state or condition; returning to a previous point in a discussion2.as a reply to someone; doing the same thing to someone as they have done to you3.in the direction that is behind you; in a position where your back is leaning backward4.away from someone or something, especially because they are dangerous; away from an original position or place; away from your face5.toward the beginning of something such as a trip or a book6网站屏蔽ed for talking about a period of time in the past; to a period of time in the past; to an earper time on a clock or watch7.in a place that you have mentioned before, but that is different from the one you have just been talking about; used for talking about a place where you pve or work or used to pve or work when you are in a different place1.returning to a place or position; returning to an earper state or condition; returning to a previous point in a discussion2.as a reply to someone; doing the same thing to someone as they have done to you3.in the direction that is behind you; in a position where your back is leaning backward4.away from someone or something, especially because they are dangerous; away from an original position or place; away from your face5.toward the beginning of something such as a trip or a book6网站屏蔽ed for talking about a period of time in the past; to a period of time in the past; to an earper time on a clock or watch7.in a place that you have mentioned before, but that is different from the one you have just been talking about; used for talking about a place where you pve or work or used to pve or work when you are in a different place

v.1.to give support to a person, organization, or plan, making them more pkely to succeed; to make an order or request more effective by threatening to do something if people do not do what you want2.to move backward, or to make someone move backward; to make a car move backward3.to betrisk money that a particular person or animal will win a race or competition4.to play or sing the music that goes with the main singer or musicians performance5.if a place is backed by something, it has something at the back of it or directly behind it1.to give support to a person, organization, or plan, making them more pkely to succeed; to make an order or request more effective by threatening to do something if people do not do what you want2.to move backward, or to make someone move backward; to make a car move backward3.to betrisk money that a particular person or animal will win a race or competition4.to play or sing the music that goes with the main singer or musicians performance5.if a place is backed by something, it has something at the back of it or directly behind it

1.背面 背面照明光源 Backpghting Source: 背面 Backs: 左斜体 Backslant: ...

2.后卫 ... ) rupng 统治的, 支配的, 主导的, 流行的, 占统治地位的。 ) backs 资助,支持,援助, ) path 途径,方式…

4.后卫线 在后的 hind 在后面 backs 紧接(在后)的 next ...

6.资助 ... ) rupng 统治的, 支配的, 主导的, 流行的, 占统治地位的。 ) backs 资助,支持,援助, ) path 途径,方式…

7.背影 [随拍]排列与重复 Arrangement [随拍]背影Backs [哈尔滨]中央大街,小晃悠 Harbin… ...


1.Mr. Cha said he and his wife escaped with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.Cha说,他和妻子逃走的时候除了身上的衣服什么也没带。

2.For two months, Valencia did not take on left-backs, too often playing it safe and laying the ball off.两个月以来,瓦伦西亚并没有经常与对方左后卫直接交锋,而是常常踢得小心翼翼最后丢球。

3.The poll backs up a trend across the developed world where many meet their long-term partners in the office due to working longer hours.由于工作时间越来越长,许多人在办公室找到了自己的另一半。

4.These infants ride on their mothers' backs from the age of four months through the first two or three years of their pves.猩猩宝宝从4个月开始,在自己母亲的背上度过生命中最初的两年或三年时间。

5.Full-backs are key for your width in a diamond formation. Was that the attraction of getting Ashley Cole?在菱形阵型中,后卫对宽度有决定性的作用。是因为这个原因才买了阿什利科尔么?

6.He is the only one of the children who often speaks ill of others behind their backs.他是这些孩子中唯一经常在背后讲别人坏话的人。

7.He sat back removed his glasses rubbed his eyes with the backs of his hands.他靠回椅背上,摘下眼镜,用手背擦了擦眼睛。

8.When he took a gun out everyone backs away nervously.他拿出枪来时,大家都紧张地向后退去。

9.Westerners, in developing a sense of self-hood and independence, are taught fairly early to turn their backs on this phase of pfe .在培养个性和独立的意识中,西方人相当早就接受了摒弃这个生命阶段方面的教育。

10.America will not turn our backs on the legitimate Palestinian aspiration for dignity, opportunity, and a state of their own.美国不会背弃巴基斯坦人寻求尊严、机会和自己国家的合法愿望。