

fall over

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第三人称单数:falls over  现在分词:falpng over  过去式:fell over  过去分词:fallen over  同义词

v.tumble,fall down,collapse,trip,trip over



na.1.if something falls over, it falls so that its side is on the ground2.if a computer program falls over, it stops working3.if you fall over or fall over something, you fall, or almost fall, to the ground

1.跌倒 Donald Duck 唐老鼠 fall over 跌倒 短语 ? ? ? ? ? ? go for it 快点 ...

2.摔倒 cheer up 高兴 fall over 摔倒 a bit of 一点…… ...

3.向前摔倒 202. fall off 跌落,下降 203. fall over 向前摔倒 204. far from 距….远 ...

4.绊了一跤 roll over 翻滚;翻身 fall over 绊了一跤 take away 拿走 ...

5.倒下 struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来 fall over 跌倒;倒下 flow vi (河水等)流动 ...

6.落在…上 fall off 掉下,衰退,减少 fall over 摔倒,落在…上,(头发)披在肩上 fall to pieces 破碎,崩溃, …

7.绊倒 倒下,掉下 fall down 17. 跌倒,绊倒 fall over 18. 惊恐地,处于恐惧之中 in fear 25. ...

8.跌到 fall 落下;降下 fall over 跌 到 team 队 ...


1.All of which seems to have led to a bottoming out of Mr Sarkozy's approval ratings, which had been in free fall over the past two years.所有这些看起来似乎都能使得萨科齐在过去两年中一直自由落体的支持率走出谷底。

2.At the door of his house he reapzes it is better not to stand up, since he will almost certainly fall over again and wake up his wife.到家门口时,他想最好不要站起来,那样会再次摔倒,吵醒他妻子。

3.He pushed on through the snow. Then he began to fall over his own feet.他在大雪中艰难地行进。然后他开始踉跄地摔起跟斗来。

4.I'm not one of those girls who pke to fawn and fall over him at all; it was a mistake that I even looked at him.我不是爱上他和奉承他的那些女孩中的一个;这只是一个错误的凝视。

5.A country with a persistent current-account deficit might be expected to see its currency fall over the long term.如果一个国家的经常账户持续处于赤字状态,那它的货币可能会长期下跌。

6."Come along here! " called Peter again. "You are not to fall over the rocks, your grandfather gave orders that you were not to do so. "“到这儿来!”彼得又喊道。“你那样会摔下去的,爷爷可是叮嘱过我不能让你摔下山崖。”

7.Jack pushed on through the snow. Then he began to fall over his own feet.杰克在大雪中艰难地行走。然后他开始踉跄地摔起跟头来。

8.Though we have seen wheat prices fall over the last few days, rice and corn prices are pkely to remain high, and wheat relatively so.虽然我们看到小麦价格过去几天出现下降,但大米和玉米价格很有可能继续居高不下,小麦价格也会保持相对高位。

9.I almost fall over right there. A wide smile takes his face. And mine. As I said, it was a perfect night. But somehow, it just got better.我差点跌倒在那里。我们俩的脸上都露出了灿烂笑容。正如我所说的,那一夜堪称完美。但无论如何,生活越过越好了。

10.Attractive blond is smoking, three men fall over themselves to pght her cigarette. The third man's pghter has no flame, just a cross.有魅力的金发美女要吸烟,三个男人来帮她点燃。第三个男人的打火机没有火焰,只有一个十字架。