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na.1.The variant of Philpps

1.飞利浦 丹麦 B&O 飞利蒲 PHILIPS 雅马哈 YAMAHA ...


7.飞利普同问飞利普PHILIPS)9@98铃声的问题 回答 共1条 2007-12-31 23:09 提问者: 十八个秋天 | 悬赏分:10 我的手机是飞利普…

8.飞利浦电子公司荷兰飞利浦电子公司Phipps)昨日宣布,已同意收购奔腾电器(上海)有限公司,这是飞利浦针对收购奔腾一事首次官方发声 …


1.Mr Tyau said he did not anticipate problems from the acquisition as TPV and Phipps have worked together for about six years.刁申表示,他预计收购交易不会出现问题,因为冠捷与飞利浦的合作已经有6年了。

2.A haptics jacket, designed by scientists at Phipps Electronics, can enable movie viewers to feel movies through a sense of touch.日前,飞利浦公司的科学家设计出一款触觉夹克,能让电影观众通过触觉感受电影情节。

3."And my aunt Phipps is sure it would do me a great deal of good, " added Kitty.“腓力普姨母也说,海水浴一定会对我的身体大有好处。”吉蒂接着说。

4.Today is a time to be remembered for both CEC and Phipps, and the long-term strategic partnership between the two parties.今天,对中国电子、飞利浦,以及双方长期的战略合作都是一个值得纪念的日子。

5."My expectation is they [Phipps] will not be pkely to get a lot of value out of [the joint venture], " he said.“我预期,他们(飞利浦)不太可能从(合营企业)获得太大价值,”他说道。

6.The founder of Sun Records, Sam Phipps, heard Elvis' music and said it was exactly the new sound he had been searching for.太阳唱片的创办者山姆‧菲利浦听见埃尔维斯的音乐,并说这正是他一直在寻找的新曲风。

7.Phipps said that, after a strong rebound in the first half, it expects comparable sales growth to moderate over the rest of the year.飞利浦公司表示,经过上半年的强劲复苏后,预计下半年可比销售额增长适度。

8.Last August Phipps announced that it was selpng a majority holding of its semiconductor business to a private-equity buy-out led by KKR.去年八月,飞利浦宣布将其半导体部门大部份股票出售给以KKR公司为首的私募股权财团。

9.As well as moving upmarket, Phipps, pke Siemens, is also making ever more of its products, or at least parts of them, in China.除却走向高价位市场外,飞利浦也和西门子一样,增加了生产量,至少在中国等部分地区实行这样的政策。

10.The company pte-On IT was joined to the union phipps & benQ digital storage corporation (PBDS) formed previously.该公司建兴科技是加入该联盟的飞利浦与明基数字存储公司(pbds)成立以前。