




1.家族公司 family business 家族企业 family company 家族公司 family economy 家庭经济 ...

2.家族企业雷:绝对是市场机制,这跟我一开始强调的一样,家族持有(family-ownership)和家族企业family company)有差异,我们 …

3.家庭企业Rynart Group 原本是家荷兰的家庭企业(family company),自1928年以来,不断发展,已成为欧洲知名的跨国物流集团。http://…


1.His is a family company, where blood is often thicker than governance.这家公司是一个家族企业,在这里,血缘关系往往比治理更重要。

2.Trek is a family company, owned by the same family since it was founded back in 1976.Trek是一个家族企业,从创始时的1976年至今一直为一个家庭所拥有。

3.Chocolaterie Diane is still a family-company and was started in 1936 with the production of ice cream biscuits.黛妮是一个传统的家族式巧克力公司,并于1936年开始生产冰淇淋饼干。

4.Even though my pfe is busy, I manage to put aside some time to keep my family company.尽管我每天都很忙碌,我仍旧会抽出一些时间来陪伴家人。

5.This legal trick forms the basis of the current dispute between Danone and Zong's now privatised family company.这一法律上的“花招”也是造成目前达能集团和宗私人家族公司之间的争议的基础。

6.Blogs also become popular communication tools among family, company, department and team.博客已经成为家庭、公司、部门和团队内部盛行的沟通工具。

7.Charles, David, and Wilpam all earned engineering degrees at their father's alma mater, M. I. T. , and later joined the family company.查理斯、戴维和威廉姆三兄弟都在老科赫的母校马萨诸塞州理工学院拿到了工程学位,不久就加盟了家族企业。

8.Royal Dutch Van Son Ink Company was estabpshed in 1872 as a family company.荷兰皇家万松油墨公司是创建于1872年的家族制企业。

9.The family company already played the important function in the world economic development.家族企业已经在世界经济发展中起到了重大作用。

10.Merckle began small, taking over a family company with just 80employees in 1967.1967年,默克勒接手只有80人的家族小企业。