




1.特吕弗 ... 特吕福 Truffault 特吕福 Truffaut 特吕福 Truffot ...

7.楚佛他对电影着迷了,楚佛Truffaut)、布纽(Bunuel)和高达(Godard)(三人均为法国名导演)变成心目中的神,他看了100 …

8.年楚浮无疑他最有名的作品是《华氏451度》了,虽然1966年楚浮Truffaut)导演的电影版与原著有异,但感觉上一样好看。那是他 …


1.Without question the Truffaut entry was the surprising highpght, even to one who has admired the French director's films over the years.毫无疑问导演的亮相是意料之外的惊喜,甚至对那些崇拜法国电影多年的人来说同样如此。

2.Like Godard and Truffaut before him, he was a Cahiers du Cinema critic before making films.戈达尔和特吕弗一样,在他之前,他是一个电影手册之前拍电影评论家。

3.If the figures in the green room stand for the great directors of the past, perhaps there is a shrine there now to Truffaut.如果绿屋里的主人公代表伟大导演的过去,那么,现在也许就该为杜鲁福设一座神坛。

4.Truffaut once wrote, And although Antoine ultimately returns to Christine, the ending of the movie is notable unromantic .尽管最终回到了克瑞斯廷那里,电影的结局明显地不浪漫。

5.Truffaut, Francois. The Four Hundred Blows.楚浮,四百击。

6.Truffaut (1932-1984) died too young, of a brain tumor, at 52, but he left behind 21 films, not counting shorts and screenplays.杜鲁福(1932-1984)英年早逝,52岁死于脑瘤,然而他却给后人留下了21部电影,这还不包括短片和剧本。

7.Truffaut's freeze frame at the end of "The 400 Blows" (1959) became a cpche.法国导演特吕弗在“400击”(1959)首次使用了画面定格,之后便成了陈词滥调。

8.It is this journal that is the basis for Mr. Truffaut's most severe, most romantic meditation upon love.这个旅程是导演对最纯洁,最浪漫的爱的冥想的基础。