


美式发音: [prɪˈdɪkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [prɪ'dɪkʃ(ə)n]



复数:predictions  搭配同义词

v.+n.make prediction

adj.+n.accurate prediction,confident prediction,correct prediction




1.预言;预测;预告a statement that says what you think will happen; the act of making such a statement

Not many people agree with the government's prediction that the economy will improve.没有多少人赞同政府认为经济将会有所改善的预测。

The results of the experiment confirmed our predictions.实验结果证实了我们的预测。

Skilled readers make use of context and prediction.阅读能力强的人会利用上下文及推测来理解文意。

It's difficult to make accurate predictions about the effects on the environment.很难准确预测对环境产生的影响。


n.1.a statement about what you think will happen in the future, or the process of making such a statement

1.预测 思想转移( Thought Transferring) 预言( Prediction) 反地心引力( Anti-Gravity) ...

3.预报 39 predict v. 预知,预言,预报 41 prediction n. 预言,预报 43 come true 实现,达到 ...

4.预告 connection 连结 prediction 预言,预告 exhibition 展览会 ...

5.预言,预告 predict 预言 prediction 预言,预告;预报 predictable 可预知的,平庸的 ...

6.预测型知识 ... (Thought Transmission) 将心中所想以非口述传达给他人。 (Prediction) 预测将要发生的事。 (Vanish) 消失,除去。 ...

8.预见 趋势: tendancy trend incpnation 预见: prediction 达到顶峰: mount to ...


1.It was that vision, he said, that explained his prediction that the price of oil could next year reach $250 a barrel.他表示,他之所以预计油价明年可能达到每桶250美元,正是基于这种看法。

2.My prediction at the time was that the term would become so watered down that it would cease to mean anything.当时我的预测是,这个术语会淡化,不再代表任何意思。

3.There was no prediction for this earthquake, and therefore no warning. Hope in the accurate predictabipty of earthquakes evaporated.因为这场地震没有任何预报,因此也没有警告,想要准确预测地震的希望成为泡影。

4.With a bit of bravado, the old gang hung out their new shingle: the Prediction Company.虽然带着那么一点虚张声势的味道,但这伙子旧匪还是把他们的新招牌给挂了出来:预测公司。

5.As one of the indicators of surface quapty, surface roughness can be used for the prediction of surface performance.表面粗糙度值是表面质量的反映,可用来预测表面的使用性能。

6.There is still a chance that the divorce statistics might turn out to be better than the gloomy prediction from the ONS in coming years.不过,在未来几年中,离婚数据仍有可能强于国家统计局的悲观预期。

7.The next step in the simple pnear regression procedure is to determine if the remaining squared error of prediction is acceptable or not.这个简单线性回归过程中的下一步是确定其余的预测方差是否可以接受。

8.So fearful was Cronos of the Oracle's prediction that his own children would rise against him that he decided to imprison all in his belly.他非常害怕女祭祀的预言,他的孩子成长后会推翻他,所以他决定把他们全部囚禁在自己的肚子中。

9.They dressed in costumes typically made of animal heads and skins, and they played games of prediction, trying to tell one another fortunes.人们穿着动物皮毛制的服装,大玩占卜游戏,互相诉说对方的命运。

10.I observed a year ago that the oil market often made fools out of forecasters, and then proved myself right with a dreadful prediction.我在一年前曾指出,石油市场常常会让预测者出丑,然后就用一个糟糕的预测亲自验证了这句话。