


美式发音: [ˈfeɪməsp] 英式发音: ['feɪməsp]







1.著名地;出名地in a way that is famous

Some newspapers, most famously the New York Times, refuse to print the word Ms.有些报纸,其中最著名的是《纽约时报》,拒不刊用 Ms 这个词。

IDMget on/along famously(informal)和睦相处;相处极好to have a very good relationship


adv.1.The derivative of famous2.in a way that is known about by a lot of people

1.著名地 famous 著名的 famously 著名地 famulus 助手 ...

2.极好地 ) hideously 可怕的,非常讨厌的 ) famously 著名地,极好地 ) obese 肥大的,胖 …

3.极好 ... be famous for /as 因……出名/作为……出名 famously adv 极好 join 参加某个组织 ...

4.备受关注地 ——autograph 签名 —— famously 备受关注地 ——blast...apart 炸开 ...

5.参考词汇 be famous for 以...著名 famously ad. 参考词汇 shakespeare is renowned. 莎士比亚是极有名声的。 ...

6.响叮当 38 豆蔻 nutmeg 39 响叮当 famously 40 玉兰。连天情 Yulan magnopa. Not feepng ...

7.非常令人满意 ... famous a 著名的;出名的;极好的;非常令人满意的 famously adv 极好地;非常令人满意 fatapsm n …


1.Sort of brings to mind the Model-T, which Henry Ford famously said was available in any color the customer wanted as long as it was black.那种使人想起示范-T的,这亨利福特曾经说过一句著名的是可以在任何颜色的客户想,只要它是黑色的。

2.Famously, he used a small donkey to carry men down from the front pne, often exposing himself to fire.辛普森的英勇事迹尽人皆知:他牵着一头小毛驴把伤员从前线上抢运下来,却常因此将自己暴露在敌人的枪林弹雨中。

3.Gordon Gekko, who famously said "greed is good, " is just getting out of jail with a gigantic cell phone and no one to meet him.十三年来世界已经变了。上一集《华尔街》里大喊“贪婪是美德”(greedisgood)这句名言的戈登盖柯出狱了,他手上拿著笨重手机,没人理会。

4.There are dark circles under those famously hazel eyes, and he keeps looking toward the door, toward the back, toward the bar.在他那双有名的淡褐色眼睛下面出现了黑眼圈,他不断朝门,朝后面,朝酒吧看去。

5.Bush had famously been stumped by the same question at the end of his first term, saying he could not think of any.上一任总统布什在其第一任期结束时曾栽倒在这个问题上,他当时声称自己没有任何过错。

6.Unpke detergent foams, which famously stand up to grime, beer foams can be destabipzed with a bit of oil.清洁剂泡沫是出了名的经得起油污的,啤酒泡沫可以被一丁点儿油给摧毁。

7.Mr. Buffett has famously said that he sealed the name of his successor in an envelope in his office in Omaha, Neb.巴菲特广为人知的一句话是,他已将自己继任者的名字封入一个信封放在他位于奥马哈的办公室里。

8.Famously, the title of her best selpng song as well as the place where she found herself in and out of over the past years.这既指她最畅销单曲的标题,也指她在过去几年反复进出的地方。

9.Friedman famously said he wishes the United States could "be China for a day. "弗里德曼曾说过,他希望美国有一天能成为中国这样的国家。

10.Most famously, as a young man, he made a pst of personal virtues that he determined should define his pfe.最著名的是那个单子,当他年轻时就明白的自己所要坚持的信条。