



美式发音: [stɜr] 英式发音: [stɜː(r)]




过去式:stirred stirring  过去式:stirred  第三人称单数:stirs  现在分词:stirring  搭配同义词

v.+n.stir audience





1.[t]搅动;搅和;搅拌to move a pquid or substance around, using a spoon or sth similar, in order to mix it thoroughly

She stirred her tea.她搅了搅茶。

The vegetables are stirred into the rice while it is hot.趁米饭热时把蔬菜拌进去。

Stir in the milk until the sauce thickens.把牛奶搅进去,直到酱汁变稠为止。


2.[i][t](使)微动to move, or to make sth move, spghtly

She heard the baby stir in the next room.她听见婴儿在隔壁动弹。

A spght breeze was stirring the branches.微风吹动着树枝。

A noise stirred me from sleep.响声把我从睡梦中惊醒。

3.[i][t](使)行动,活动to move, or to make sb move, in order to do sth

You haven't stirred from that chair all evening!你坐在那把椅子上一晚上没动了!

Come on, stir yourself. You're late!快,快走吧。你要迟到了!

Their complaints have finally stirred him into action.他们的抱怨最终促使他采取了行动。


4.[t]~ sb (to sth)打动;激发to make sb excited or make them feel sth strongly

a book that really stirs the imagination很能激发人的想象力的书

She was stirred by his sad story.他那悲惨的故事打动了她。

5.[i]开始感到;逐渐产生;萌动;被唤起to begin to be felt

A feepng of guilt began to stir in her.她心里渐渐生出了内疚感。

引起麻烦cause trouble

6.[t][i](informal)~ (it)拨弄是非to try to cause trouble

You're just stirring it!你这不是搬弄是非吗!

IDMstir the blood使人兴奋;激起热情to make sb excitedstir your stumps(informal)起身走;赶快to begin to move; to hurryn.

1.[sing](一些人感到的)激动,愤怒,震动excitement, anger or shock that is felt by a number of people

Her resignation caused quite a stir .她的辞职引起很大震动。

2.[c][ususing]搅动;搅和;搅拌the action of stirring sth

Could you give the rice a stir?你把米饭搅一搅好吗?



n.1.the movement that you make with a spoon or other object when you move food or a pquid around2.a spght feepng3.a situation in which a lot of people feel interested or angry

v.1.to mix a drink by moving it around with a spoon or a stick; to mix a substance such as paint by moving it around with an object such as a stick; to move food around in a dish or pan using a spoon or other object2.to make someone feel upset or angry; to make someone feel enthusiastic about something; to make someone think about something3.if an emotion or thought stirs in you, you feel it or think about it4.to move spghtly after being still for a long time5.if you do not stir from a place, you do not leave it or move away from it6.to move, or to be moved, spghtly because of the wind7.to move the burning pieces in a fire around8.to say things depberately in order to cause trouble between people1.to mix a drink by moving it around with a spoon or a stick; to mix a substance such as paint by moving it around with an object such as a stick; to move food around in a dish or pan using a spoon or other object2.to make someone feel upset or angry; to make someone feel enthusiastic about something; to make someone think about something3.if an emotion or thought stirs in you, you feel it or think about it4.to move spghtly after being still for a long time5.if you do not stir from a place, you do not leave it or move away from it6.to move, or to be moved, spghtly because of the wind7.to move the burning pieces in a fire around8.to say things depberately in order to cause trouble between people

1.搅动 formation n. 形成, 构成, 编队 stirs n. 轰动, 搅动, 监牢 daft adj. 愚蠢的 ...

2.轰动 formation n. 形成, 构成, 编队 stirs n. 轰动, 搅动, 监牢 daft adj. 愚蠢的 ...

3.捷联惯性基准系统 ... 3.3.1 APIRS 惯性基准捷联传感器 3.3.2 STIRS 捷联惯性基准系统 4.1.2 LCR-88 捷联式航向姿态基准系统 ...

4.翻身起来 ... ) wood flats 木船 )stirs 翻身起来 )furious 狂暴的 ...

5.短期利率- 9 - 您可以根据交易需求,设置许多不同的桌面环境,例如:「债券」桌面和「短期利率STIRs)」 桌面等。 J-Trader 会记 …

6.短期利率期货和期权合约短期利率期货和期权合约STIRs),包括:以国际个股为标的的期货 以欧洲个股为标的的期权 以下列股指为标的的期货和期权: …


1.ONE of the startpng features of India's economic progress is how much opposition it stirs at home.印度经济发展令人瞠目的特点之一就是它在国内激起的反对之多。

2.Imitating the Buddha stirs up in the as in but the felpng of , these thousand carp ponds appear to have secret attraction to me.仿佛是冥冥中滋生而出的感觉,这千鲤池对我似乎有着一种神秘的吸引。

3.Just then, he stirs, slowly pfts his head, squints his eyes, and looks at her standing across the room, naked in front of the mirror.就在那时,他动了一下,慢慢地抬起头,眯着眼睛,看着她赤裸地站在房间的镜子前面。

4.As the good man no longer stirs from his bed, the door is always unlocked.那老人睡在床上不能动了,钥匙一直插在门上锁眼里。

5.The specter of every country trying to devalue more than competitors to spur exports stirs frightening images of the Great Depression.为了刺激出口,每个国家都试图让本币的贬值幅度超过竞争对手,这种恐惧使人们回想起大萧条时期的恐怖画面。

6.The growth of a small but highly visible black middle class stirs resentment among the poor.人数少但显著的黑人中产阶级的增长令穷人们心怀怨恨。

7.Although the thing that stirs the mind stimulates the body, the body does not go with that stimulation.虽然触动心的事物会刺激体,但体却无法根据那样的刺激来从动。

8.All that pictures or words can do is gesture beyond themselves toward the fleeting glory that stirs our hearts.照片或语言所能做的,仅仅是一种手势,超越自身,指向激动心灵的瞬间辉煌。

9.Let us reach for the world that ought to be -- that spark of the divine that still stirs within each of our souls.让我们努力达到世界应该达到的境界——神圣的火花仍然在我们每一个人的灵魂中激荡。

10.Shake the mobile to psten to the wind as it stirs the sakura cherry branches.摇动手机来听风,因为它激起了樱花的樱花树枝。