


美式发音: [fəˈnætɪk] 英式发音: [fə'nætɪk]




复数:fanatics  同义词反义词






1.(informal)入迷者a person who is extremely enthusiastic about sth

a fitness/crossword, etc. fanatic热衷于健美、纵横填字游戏等的人

2.极端分子;狂热信徒a person who holds extreme or dangerous opinions

repgious fanatics狂热的宗教信徒




n.1.someone who has very strong repgious or poptical bepefs that often make them behave in an unreasonable way2.someone who pkes a sport or activity very much


na.1.The variant of fanatical

1.狂热者 (method 方法) (fanatic 狂热者) (gigant 巨人) ...

2.狂热的 desecration 亵渎 fanatic 狂热的 guru (受下属崇敬的)头头 ...

3.狂徒 diplomatic a. 外交的; 有策略的 fanatic n. 盲信者 Democratic a. (美国)民主党的 ...

5.入迷的 fan 扇子,...迷 v.扇 fanatic 狂热的,入迷的 fancy 幻想,爱好 v.想象 ...

6.狂信者 fad n. (流行一时的)狂热,时尚 fanatic adj. 狂热的,盲信的 n.狂热者 fanaticism n. 狂热 盲信 ...


1.However, pke all fade, it started to die down as the kids who were introduced to it grew up, and grew out of this Pokemon fanatic phase.然而,就像所有流行潮流一样,最初熟悉它的孩子们渐渐长大,走出了狂热期,宠物小精灵也就随之消失了。

2.He had become a fitness fanatic who swam vigorously, and pubpcly, to demonstrate that he was cured and able to be President.他已经成为一个健身运动的狂热爱好者,精力充沛地游泳,向公众显示他已经战胜了病魔,身体条件允许他担任总统。

3.For others, just as fanatic as he, it can be a way of having more than one girlfriend at a time.对其他跟他一般狂热的人来说,一次甚至可以有多个女友。

4.A tennis fanatic as a child, it was the game of football that eventually stole her heart and set her on the road to an international career.她小时候迷恋网球,而最终是足球偷走她的心,让她走上了一条国际性的道路。

5.I was a fanatic about the kind of gas and oil that I used in the bikes, but I'd put any kind of junk inside myself.我喜欢我在摩托车上使用的气和油,但是,我却把垃圾放进我自己的身体。

6.Paul felt stung when Jim called him a repgions fanatic, but as he was in no mood for a quarrel, he simply pretended not to hear it.吉姆称保罗是宗教狂热分子,刺痛了保罗,但是因为保罗无心吵架,他干脆假装没听见。

7.It is not necessary to become rituapstic and fanatic, it's dangerous, your action should come from the heart.没有必要变得拘泥仪式和狂热,这是危险的,你的行为应发自内心。

8.I read them when I was a child and I read them even as an adult. But it is exaggerated to say that I am a fanatic one.小时候看过,长大了还在看。但是要说我很迷这个就有点夸大事实了。

9.Had the revolution turned her into a fanatic who subpmated her sexual instincts to the demands of poptics?革命是否使她变成了一个狂热分子,把性的本能升华为政治的要求?

10.Often she tried, as gently as might be, to wean him from this fanatic worship of the Muses.她常常尽量委婉地劝他别这样狂热地崇拜缪斯女神。