




1.快速发展 ... 深厚文化: profound culture 快速发展fast development 地大物博: vast territory and abundant resources ...

2.快速开发个图形界面的 基本需求; (2)对消费电子图形界面快速开发Fast Development)进行了系统建模,整合 常见需要图形界 …


1.Cameron said he hopes China's fast development will drive comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.卡梅伦说他希望中国快速的发展能带动两国在各方面的合作。

2.Now the magic really fast development, even hymen repair can seem to understand the magic that guy in the Storm City brothels very popular.现在的魔法发展真快,连处女膜都能修补,看来懂魔法的那家伙在暴风城的妓院里很吃香。

3.None of it required laws or regulation, and its extremely fast development was voluntary and benefited all.没有任何一个需要什么法律或者标准,但所有的快速发展都是自愿和有益的。

4.Since the beginning of this year, the consumption market has kept a steady and fast development.今年以来,消费品市场保持了平稳较快的发展。

5.I've always been attracted by the ancient Chinese civipzation and I'm amazed at its fast development.我一直被古老的中国文化深深吸引,同时,我对中国的快速发展也感到吃惊。

6.China is the world's largest developing country with a huge market, fast development and a low cost of labor, but short.中国是最大的发展中国家,市场广阔,发展迅速,劳动力成本低,但资金短缺、科技和管理相对落后。

7.Hopefully by now you've seen that Gretty is simple, which makes it easy to do seriously fast development.希望到目前为止您已经发现Gretty是简单的,这就更易于进行非常快速的开发。

8.The fast development in countryside society asks for that the rural pubpc goods supply would suit for the requirements.农村社会的快速发展要求农村公共物品的供给能够适应需求。

9.Since cellular network technology was put forward by Bell lab, mobile communication has entered into a fast development period.自从贝尔实验室提出了蜂窝组网理论之后,移动通信就进入了快速发展的时期。

10.WwW. zIdiR. coM With the increase of investment of the state on railway construction, china railway is facing an age of fast development.随着国家对铁路建设投入力度的加大,中国铁路正迎来一个高速发展的时期。