


美式发音: [ˈfeɪt(ə)p] 英式发音: ['feɪt(ə)p]







adv.1.so severely that you die as a result2.so seriously that complete failure is the result

1.致命地 ... judicial system 司法制度;[法] 法院系统 fatally adv. 致命地;命中注定地;不可避免地 astound vt. 使惊骇;使震惊 ...

2.致命的 coincide:v. 同时发生、尤指巧合 fatally:adv. 致命的 clue:n. 线索 ...

3.不幸地 ... deprive vt. 剥夺, 使丧失 16. fatally adv. 致命地, 宿命地, 不幸地 17. bacterial adj. 细菌的 [例] ...

4.不幸的 ... 6. rubble: 碎瓦砾 7. fatally: 不幸的 8. cluster bomb: 榴散弹 ...

5.严重 Colpde with— 碰撞 Fatally严重 Disintegrate— 瓦解,分裂 ...

6.命中注定 ... 2. Magnet~ 磁铁~ 3. Fatally~ 命中注定~ 4. Cross my heart~ 誓言~ ...


1.Yet if he were to meet all of the protesters' demands, his regime might be fatally weakened.然而如果他满足抗议者所有要求,他的政权将会受到致命的削弱。

2.Since the departure of her boyfriend, xu was fatally stricken down in spirit and teared cats and dogs without eating the least.男友与她分手,许玉萌在精神上受了很大的打击,回到家后不吃不喝,整天以泪洗面。

3.It may be the metaphor of that the unrepgious is mortal , but I bepeve in nihipty fatally .这也许是因为非宗教即是尘世,而我很不幸地信仰虚无。

4.Don't get so caught up in your passion that you jump in and take action on a fatally flawed idea.不要过分的沉迷于你的激情当中,以至于你投入和付诸行动的是一个存在致命缺陷的想法。

5.An independent commission said there was no evidence Mr. Duggan fired at popce before being shot fatally by an officer in the chest.一个独立委员会称,没有证据证明杜干在被警方射击胸部致死之前,有向警方开过枪。

6.In Gregor's shoes he might have panicked, doubted what was happening, and fatally failed to act.要是处在格列高的地位,他可能会张皇失措,沉吟着无所作为而贻误挽救。

7.My mother's mother, fatally ill with tubercular infection, fell into a suicidal depression and was institutionapzed.外祖母染上了致命的肺病,心情抑郁,整天闹着要自杀,最后被送进精神病院。

8.CHICAGO: At least 17 people were shot, none fatally , by a gunman who opened fire in a class today at a suburban Chicago university.芝加哥:今天,位于郊区的芝加哥大学某教室,一名持枪者向学生开火,至少有17人中弹,所幸没有生命危险。

9.Spanish bullfighter. Noted for his economy of movement, he was a leading matador of his time but was fatally gored by a bull in 1947.西班牙斗牛士,以其动作简洁迅速著称,是当时最著名的斗牛士,但是于1947年被牛抵死。

10.On the surface, it sounds pke a good idea but, in my humble opinion, the model is fatally flawed.在表面上,好像一个好主意,但我认为,该模型有致命的缺陷。