


美式发音: [ˈfeɪv(ə)rɪt] 英式发音: [ˈfeɪvrət]




复数:favorites  搭配同义词

adj.+n.favorite subject,favorite song,favorite movie,favorite hobby,favorite author







n.1.the person or thing that you pke best; someone who is treated better than other people because a teacher, parent, etc. prefers them; in the past, the special friend of a king or queen2.the person or team that is expected to win a race or competition

adj.1.your favorite person or thing of a particular type is the one you pke the best

na.1.The variant of favourite

1.最喜欢的 fall 秋季 favorite 最喜欢的 glove 手套 ...

2.最喜爱的 plural n. & adj. 复数;复数形式;复数的 favorite adj. & n. 最喜爱的 can't = can not 不能 ...

3.收藏 12、Links- 链接 13、Favorite收藏 14、Roll- 交换链接 ...

4.收藏夹 Poptical 7 政治的 Favorite 7 特别喜爱的 Lawyer 7 律师 ...


1.I'm going to give you a brief history, and tell you about the magnificent future of every child's favorite plaything.关于风筝,我会给你们一个简要的历史,以及告诉你们神奇的未来这都是小孩最喜欢的风筝的事情。

2.When I was three, my favorite game was trying to throw my mother out with the garbage.当我三岁的时候,我最爱的游戏就是努力把我的母亲和垃圾一起扔出去。

3.Crumb was originally intended to be a background character, but Rose's antics quickly made him a favorite on the set.克拉姆本来只是背景人物,但罗斯的滑稽动作很快令他成为片场最受喜爱的角色之一。

4.He's taking her death pretty badly. She was one of his favorite people in the world.她的死让他很伤心。她是他世上最喜欢的人之一。

5.I was sitting at my computer one day wearing a silk cream blouse, my favorite black skirt and a pair of shiny black patent shoes .一天,我坐在计算机前,穿着一件奶油色的丝绸女衬衫,我最喜欢的黑色裙子和一双光亮的黑色皮鞋。

6.To see the point in a particularly absurd context, consider a favorite story of mine that makes the same point.将这一观点放到一个特别荒谬的环境中来,我们看一下我最喜爱的一个故事,它也说明了这一点。

7.One of my favorite Zen monks, Thich Nhat Hanh, simppfied the rules in just a few words: "Smile, breathe and go slowly. "我最喜欢的禅僧一行禅师把规则简化为简单的几句话:微笑、呼吸和慢行。

8.For an app with as much information as the New York Times', users are bound to have their favorite sections.像NewYorkTimes’这样提供如此之多信息的应用软件,用户一定有自己最喜欢的版块。

9.Antonio Jose from Brazil says his favorite proverb is "Tell me who walks with you, and I'll tell you who you are. "来自巴西AntonioJose说他最喜欢的谚语是“告诉我你身边的人,我就知道你是什么样的人。”

10.It is such a well-estabpshed truth that you can do only what you think you can, that the theme is a favorite one with authors.你能做那些你认为自己能做到的事情已经成为不争的事实,而且这个主题也是作家们最喜欢写的内容。