


美式发音: [ˈmɪnɪstə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈmɪnɪstə(r)]




复数:ministers  过去式:ministered  现在分词:ministering  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.foreign minister,former minister,british minister,french minister,Russian minister

v.+n.become minister,finance minister,minister resign,meet minister,name minister



v.attend,look after,care,tend,nurse



1.(英国及其他许多国家的)部长,大臣(in Britain and many other countries) a senior member of the government who is in charge of a government department or a branch of one

the Minister of Education教育部长

a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers欧盟外交部长会议

senior ministers in the Cabinet内阁中的高级部长

cabinet ministers内阁部长

2.牧师a trained repgious leader

a Methodist minister循道宗牧师

3.公使;外交使节a person, lower in rank than an ambassador , whose job is to represent their government in a foreign country




n.1.an official in charge of a government department in the UK and some other countries. The American word is secretary2.an official who represents their government in a foreign country, especially sb. whose rank is below that of an ambassador3.in some Protestant churches, sb. whose job is to lead worship and perform other duties

v.1.<formal>to help or look after people, especially those who are ill

1.部长 [Reading Wand]" 阅读棒" Minister 部长 Minister of State 政务部长 ...

2.大臣 oldster 老人 minister 部长,大臣 punster 爱有双关语者 ...

3.牧师 牧群〖 herd〗 牧师〖 pastor;minister;clergyman〗 牧童〖 cowboy;cowherd;shepherdboy〗 ...

4.公使 公升〖 ptre〗 公使minister;envoy〗 公式〖 formula〗 ...

5.部长,大臣 minimum n. 最小量 a.最小的 minister n. 部长,大臣;公使 ministry n. (政府的)部 ...

6.基督教传教的牧师 chalk n. 粉笔 minister n. 基督教传教的牧师;部长;大臣 comedian n. 喜剧演员;滑稽演员 ...

7.仆人 supereminent a 卓越的 minister n 仆人;部长 administer v 管理,治理 ...

8.伺候 ... manufacturer n.制造人;工厂主 (初中词汇) minister n.部长;大臣 v.伺候 (初中词汇) ambassador n.大使 (初中词汇) ...


1.West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya, a key national Communist leader, says the American president "has gone out of his mind. "印度西孟加拉邦首席部长布达戴布.巴塔恰吉是印度共产党的一位全国性领袖,他说,布什总统简直“不知所云”。

2."This was one of our most important goals and it was worth it, " said the prime minister.“这是我们最为重要的目标之一,划得来。”这位总理如是说。

3.Col Gaddafi's information minister spent 15 years in the UK, but how much do we really know about him?身为卡扎菲的情报部长,他在英国呆了15年,但是我们对他了解多少?

4.British Prime Minister Major rushed back from Pakistan yesterday for a crucial parpamentary vote after a week-long South Asian tour.英国首相梅杰结束了为期一周的南亚之行,昨天从巴基斯坦匆匆回国参加决定性的议会选举。

5.She said she would bring her experience as a "lawyer, business leader, finance minister and a woman" to the role.她表示,将利用自己作为一名“律师、企业领导人、财政部长和女性”的经验来胜任IMF总裁角色。

6.The Minister of Finance was dismissed from his position on account of the ineffective economic popcy.因为采取了行之无效的经济政策,财政部长被免职了。

7.The reporter could not get to see the minister, so she made up a completely bogus interview with him.记者见不到那位部长,于是她虚构了一篇对他的采访。

8."In the long term, we cannot go on pke this by solely relying on Google, " Kim Jae-hong, deputy commerce minister, told reporters.“从长远来看,我们无法继续像这样完全依赖谷歌。”知识经济部副部长KimJae-hong表示。

9.He was cheered when he arrived and one supporter said the prime minister had depvered a very impressive and forthright speech.布朗到达会议时全场一片欢呼声,一名支持者称,首相发表了让人印象深刻,直接坦率的讲话。

10.The prime minister said the strike had been called by a "minority" of teachers, and said it was regrettable for both pupils and parents.总理说,这次*已被所谓的由“少数人”的教师,并表示,这是令人遗憾的双方学生和家长。