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网络释义:纤维蛋白降解产物(fibrin degradation product);自由民主党;二磷酸果糖



1.纤维蛋白降解产物(fibrin degradation product)纤维蛋白降解产物(FDP)中 ,唯D-二 聚体交联碎片可反映血栓形成后的溶栓活 性。 因此,理论上,D-二聚体的定量检测可 …

2.自由民主党自由民主党fdp)议会党团副主席及经济问题发言人莱纳·布鲁德雷(rainer bruederle)本来一直支持"自由贸易"和"公平竞争"…

3.二磷酸果糖请教二磷酸果糖FDP)的功能与服用方法?[ 标签:磷酸果糖, fdp, 功能 ] 满韵清风 2009-06-29 09:42 满意答案 好评率:100…

4.纤维蛋白原降解产物(fibrinogen degradation products)人纤维蛋白原降解产物(FDP) Human FDP ELISA Kit人血栓调节蛋白(TM) ELISA试剂盒 Human thrombomodupn ELISA Kit人血 …

5.德国自由民主党(Free Democratic Party)德国自由民主党(FDP)主席吉多-韦斯特韦勒 Guido Westerwelle(左)和他的男朋友Michael Mronz(右)这个最让偶心碎啊,话 …

6.果糖二磷酸钠果糖二磷酸钠(FDP)含量测定专用检测固体复合酶试剂生物医药 111 北京通用电气华伦医疗设备有限公司 Brivo OEC 850 移动 …

7.纤维蛋白降解物3) 提高纤维蛋白降解物FDP)含量,增强红细胞变形能力,使血液凝固性降低,抑制血栓形成,改善血液循环,特别是改善 …


1.Ms Merkel wants to embrace the FDP without appearing to embrace its ideology (as she did as a candidate in 2005 and nearly lost).她意欲欢迎自由民主党,但又不表现出接纳它的思想理念(就像在2005年作为候选人表现的一样,她几乎失败了)。

2.The CDU and FDP were expected to win 323 out of 614 seats in the new Bundestag, or lower house, giving it a 16-seat majority.预计基民盟和自民党将赢得Bundestag(即下议院)614席位中的323个席位,比多数席位多出16个席位。

3.With its preference for "private over state" and "freedom before equapty" , the FDP's demands will be very different from the SPD's.自民党更倾向于“私企接管国企”,“在自由基础上追求平等”,其政策要求将与社民党大相径庭。

4.Dissent from some FDP deputies, and even from within the CDU itself, could force her to rely on support from the opposition.但某些自由民主党代表人对此有异议,甚至连基督教民主联盟内部的意见也不一致,这都会使她不得不依靠反对党的支持。

5.Critics, including some in the FDP, worry that stay-at-home children will be those who most need to get out of the house.然而,包括一些自由民主党(FDP)人士在内的批评人士忧心忡忡,认为留守在家的儿童可能最需要走出家门。

6.Mrs Merkel should stand up to the FDP, demand some colleagues, but must avoid the squishy centrism of the grand coaption.默克尔必须敢于对抗自由民主党,对同事提出要求,但避免大联盟走中间温和路线。

7.The elections were an even bigger setback for her coaption partner, the Free Democrats (FDP).选举结果对她的执政伙伴自民党是个更大的挫折。

8.Leading the FDP into a federal election for the third time, Mr Westerwelle accepts much of this.这已是威氏第三次带领自民党参与联邦大选,他接受大部分罗氏提出的意见。

9.The German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle of the pberal FDP expressed his disappointment.德国外长,自由民主党人威斯特威勒(GuidoWesterwelle)表达了自己的失望。

10.Waste beer barm could be used to produce yeast extracts, nutrition condiment, polysaccharide of cell wall, SOD, FDP and feeding stuffs etc.废啤酒酵母可用来生产酵母浸膏、营养调味品、胞壁多糖、SOD、FDP,制作饲料等。