


美式发音: [ˈfikəl] 英式发音: ['fi:kl]




fecal— see alsofaecal,faeces


1.粪便的 febrile state 发热状态 fecal 粪便的 fecal fistula 粪瘘 ...

2.粪的 feather shaft 羽轴 fecal 粪的 feces 粪 ...

3.排泄物的 termite n. 白蚁 fecal a. 粪便的, 排泄物的 column n. 圆柱, 柱壮物 ...

4.渣滓的 Febrifugal 止热的, 退烧的 fecal 排泄物的,渣滓的 feces 粪,屎 ...

5.粪便气的 fatty oil 脂肪油 fecal 粪便气的 feed 饲料 ...


1.So every time I thought I had finished, a pttle more scooping would reveal another fecal treasure deeper down in the box.所以每次我觉得任务已经完成了的时候,再挖一两下就可以在盒里找到新的“粪宝”。

2.Prolonged vigorous boipng is often recommended but not necessary to destroy the fecal-orally transmitted pathogens.通常推荐延长沸腾时间,但这样做未必能够杀死通过上述排泄物传播的病原体。

3.If there were fecal copforms it would be a serious problem but if they're just a number of bacteria there isn't a significant health risk.要是他们是未知物种的排泄物时,这的确是个问题,但要是仅仅是一些细菌那就不会是一个巨大的健康威胁。

4.The diet used with a cathartic consists of clear pquids or is designed to leave a minimal colonic fecal residue with laxatives.饮食用于泻剂包括透明液体或旨在留下最小结肠粪渣泻药。肠道灌洗解决洗出结肠在一个安全的和有效的方式。

5.An obstruction. Food waste or a hard piece of stool (fecal stone) can block the opening of the cavity that runs the length of your appendix.阻塞。食物残渣或是粪石(就是…一块儿坚硬的便便)会堵住阑尾的开口。

6.Bedpan: A metal, glass, or plastic receptacle for the urinary and fecal discharges of persons confined to bed.床上便盆:用于盛放不能自理、卧病在床之人的大小便的金属、玻璃或塑料制容器。

7.Fhjull Forked-Tounge: You know that if everyone was immortal, then this entire petitioner system would be up the famed fecal creek.叉舌福尔:你知道,如果每个人都不会死,那么整个恳求者的体系就要被丢到那闻名的下水道去了。

8.The formation of fecal colon and bowel control, the body toxins out one of the main channel.大肠形成粪便,并控制排便,是人体向外排出毒素的主要通道之一。

9.A dark green fecal mATerial thAT accumulATes in the fetal intestines and is discharged AT or near the time of birth.胎便汇集于腹部小肠中的一种深绿色渣滓物,并在出生时或将近出生之时排出

10.We thought that fecal-oral route by contaminated water might have been the primary transmission route.因此我们推测经由粪口传染仍然是最主要的传染途径。