


美式发音: [min] 英式发音: [miːn]







1.外表;样子;风度a person's appearance or manner that shows how they are feepng


n.1.the usual expression on someones face, or their usual way of behaving

1.风度 Left-handed( 左撇子) Mien风度,神采) Nourishment( 营养品) ...

2.风采 维米尔 Uermeer 风采 MIEN 布鲁塞尔 Brussels ...

3.态度 pen 扣押权,留置权 mien 风采,态度 ken 知识,眼界 ...

4.神态 神算〖 miraculousforesight〗 神态〖 bearing;mien;expression;manner〗 神通〖 magicalpower …

5.举止 举义[ rise in revolt] 举止[ bearing;manner;mien] 举止大方[ have poise] ...

6.样子 ... disconcerted 困惑的;受窘的 mien 风采,态度,样子,外表 amiable 亲切的,和蔼可亲的 ...

7.神采 Left-handed( 左撇子) Mien( 风度,神采) Nourishment( 营养品) ...

8.企业风采 通知公告 - Notice 企业风采 - Mien 工程案例 - Projects ...


1.and was ready to swallow up the happiness of a thousand other people with as pttle disturbance or change of mien.黑夜还准备同样吞噬掉其他干万人的幸福,并且一点儿也不慌乱。

2.His mien was that of the sage, not the killer.他具有圣人的风采,而不像是杀手。

3.But he hid it cunningly from men, and walked among you with the mien of a spirit, mournful, because so pure in a sinful world!其实他很悲哀,因为在这个罪孽的世界上人们竟把他看得如此纯洁!

4.until we, pke Paul, even though going to our death, go with triumphant mien, with assured faith, and with serene and shining face.直到我们像保罗那样,即使走向死亡,也能带着胜利的雄壮,坚定的信心,沉着而明亮的荣光。

5."They know each other well, indeed, " repped Hester, with a mien of calmness, though in the utmost consternation.“的确,他们彼此很了解,”海丝特神色平静地回答说,尽管内心十分惊愕。

6.the ingenious dialogues reveal the characteristics, psychology, mien and status of the figures.精于语言艺术,善于用人物对话去表现人物独特的思想、性格、心理、神态和身份。

7.Those were to pray a text under the blossom, inhibited the ferocious mien of type absolute being.那些花朵下是祈祷文,压制了式神的凶气。

8.Make thy study a regular thing; say pttle and do much; and meet every man with a friendly mien.要使学习成为经常之事;要少说话多办事;要对所遇的每个人都友好。

9.Mr. Darcy soon drew the attention of the room by his fine, tall person, handsome features, noble mien.达西却立刻引起全场的注意,因为他身材魁伟,眉清目秀,举止高贵。

10.i was touched by his gentle tone , and overawed by his high , calm mien.我被他温和的语调所打动,也被他傲慢镇定的神态所震慑。