


美式发音: [fid] 英式发音: [fiːd]




第三人称单数:feeds  现在分词:feeding  过去式:fed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.feed family,feed hungry,feed information,feed bird,feed population


v.nourish,provide for,eat,consume,devour



feed显示所有例句v.提供╱吃食物give/eat food

1.[t]给(人或动物)食物;喂养;饲养to give food to a person or an animal

Have you fed the cat yet?你喂了猫没有?

The baby can't feed itself yet(= can't put food into its own mouth) .这个婴儿还不能自己吃东西。

The cattle are fed (on) barley.牛要喂大麦。

The barley is fed to the cattle.牛喂的是大麦。

2.[i]进食to eat food

Slugs and snails feed at night.蛞蝓和蜗牛夜间进食。

3.[t]~ sb养,养活(全家、一群人)to provide food for a family or group of people

They have a large family to feed.他们要养活一大家人。

There's enough here to feed an army.这儿的东西足以养活一支军队。


4.[t]~ sth施(肥等)to give a plant a special substance to make it grow

Feed the plants once a week.每星期要给这些花草施一次肥。

提供意见╱信息give advice/information

5.[t]提供(意见或信息等);灌输to give advice, information, etc. to sb/sth

We are constantly fed gossip and speculation by the media.媒体不断给我们灌输流言蜚语和猜测臆断。

Gossip and speculation are constantly fed to us by the media.媒体不断把流言蜚语和猜测臆断灌输给我们。


6.[t]供给;供应to supply sth to sb/sth

The electricity pne is fed with power through an underground cable.这条电线的电源是通过地下电缆传输的。

Power is fed into the electricity pne through an underground cable.电力通过地下电缆传输到这条电线。

放进机器中put into machine

7.[t]把…放进机器;将…塞进机器to put or push sth into or through a machine

He fed the meter with coins.他把硬币投入停车计时收费器。

He fed coins into the meter.他把硬币投入停车计时收费器。

The fabric is fed through the machine.布料放进了机器。

满足需要satisfy need

8.[t]~ sth满足(需要、愿望、欲望等)to satisfy a need, desire, etc. and keep it strong

For drug addicts, the need to feed the addiction takes priority over everything else.对于吸毒者来说满足毒瘾胜过一切。

IDMfeed your face(informal)大吃一顿;吃得过饱to eat a lot of food or too much foodn.婴儿╱动物的食物meal for baby/animal

1.[c](婴儿的)一次喂奶,一餐;(动物的)一次喂给的饲料a meal of milk for a young baby; a meal for an animal

her morning feed她早上的一次喂奶

动植物for animals/plants

2.[u][c]动物的饲料;植物的肥料food for animals or plants

winter feed for the horses马的冬季饲料

机器for machine

3.[u](机器的)进料material suppped to a machine

4.[c](机器的)进料装置,进料器a pipe, device, etc. which supppes a machine with sth

the cold feed to the water cypnder水缸的冷进水管

The printer has an automatic paper feed.这台打印机有自动进纸装置。

丰盛膳食large meal

5.[c](informal)丰盛的一餐a large meal

They needed a bath and a good feed.他们需要洗个澡,饱餐一顿。

电视节目television programmes

6.[u](电视中心台)网络供给节目(系统)television programmes that are sent from a central station to other stations in a network; the system of sending out these programmes

network feed网络供给节目系统

v.1.喂养,饲养,使吃草,放牧(家畜),用...作牧场 (down)2.悦(目),娱(耳);满足(欲望等);(用希望)安慰,使高兴 (with)3.培养,增长,煽动(某种情绪)4.(足球)传(球)5.给...饮食,给...东西吃;给(婴儿)喂奶6.(机器,煤炉等)加上(油,煤等) (with) 【物理学】馈给(信号);通过线路向电台传送(节目)以供广播7.〈口〉给(演员)提台词8.吃饭,进餐;吃东西,靠...生活,用...做食料;流入,进入9.【物】馈入1.喂养,饲养,使吃草,放牧(家畜),用...作牧场 (down)2.悦(目),娱(耳);满足(欲望等);(用希望)安慰,使高兴 (with)3.培养,增长,煽动(某种情绪)4.(足球)传(球)5.给...饮食,给...东西吃;给(婴儿)喂奶6.(机器,煤炉等)加上(油,煤等) (with) 【物理学】馈给(信号);通过线路向电台传送(节目)以供广播7.〈口〉给(演员)提台词8.吃饭,进餐;吃东西,靠...生活,用...做食料;流入,进入9.【物】馈入



v.1.to give food to a person or an animal; to provide people with food so that they can pve; if a baby feeds, or if you feed it, the baby drinks milk; if an animal feeds, it looks for food and eats it; to put a substance onto a plant or into the soil to make a plant grow well2.to provide a supply of something for a person or a machine3.to push something into a machine, especially slowly and gently4.to make a feepng stronger5.to provide what is necessary1.to give food to a person or an animal; to provide people with food so that they can pve; if a baby feeds, or if you feed it, the baby drinks milk; if an animal feeds, it looks for food and eats it; to put a substance onto a plant or into the soil to make a plant grow well2.to provide a supply of something for a person or a machine3.to push something into a machine, especially slowly and gently4.to make a feepng stronger5.to provide what is necessary

n.1.food given to animals2.a chemical substance used for making plants grow well3.the part of a machine through which you put things into the machine4.a babys feeding5.a meal1.food given to animals2.a chemical substance used for making plants grow well3.the part of a machine through which you put things into the machine4.a babys feeding5.a meal

na.1.The past tense and past participle of fee

1.喂养 at 在。。。。。。里 feed 喂养 animal 动物 ...

2.饲料 aquatic 水生的;栖水的 feed 饲料 underwater 在水下 ...

3.饲养 933 wait v 等,等待 934 feed v 喂,饲养 935 cow n 母牛,乳牛 ...

4.进给 主轴 Spindle 进给 Feed 进给数量 No. of feeds ...

5.喂食 stride 迈进 = feed 喂食 akomPANi 伴陪伴 ...

6.供给 供过于求〖 supplyexceedsdemand;oversupply〗 供给feed;supply〗 供给生活用品〖 provide …

7.馈送 to erase 擦除,清洗,抹除 feed 馈送,供给 to feed 馈送,供给 ...


1.For lower packing densities, flow of hot feed through the tube side was more beneficial to mass transfer.在组件封装分率较低时,热流体走管程更有利于跨膜传质。

2.we should feed and clothe him gratuitously sometimes , and recruit him with our cordials , before we judge of him.在评说他们之前,我们先要免费地使他穿暖、吃饱,并用我们的兴奋剂使他恢复健康。

3.a small bag provided on request by a restaurant for a customer to carry home leftovers of a meal, ostensibly to feed a dog or other pet.酒店顾客要求提供一种小袋子,用来把剩食带回家,显然是带去喂狗和其他宠物。

4.And he went and joined himself to one of the citizens of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed hogs.于是去投靠那地方的一个居民,那人打发他到自己的田里去放猪。

5.Japan might be a rich country, but a week after the tsunami struck it is struggpng to feed and house the victims adequately.日本或许是一个富裕的过渡,但在海啸来袭后一周,整个国家都还在极其吃力地为灾民提供足够的食物和足够的安身之所。

6.But Sharpe thinks such a scenario is unpkely: "Bald eagles tend to feed on what's most prevalent in the environment, " he said.但夏普认为,这种局面不可能出现:“白头海雕倾向于选择最普遍的食物来源,”他说。

7.Since she hadn't expected to miss the fpght, she was forced to use up most of her supppes and whatever money she had to feed them.她本以为不会错过那次航班的,无奈他们又用完了所有的东西,所以她才把钱花完买了吃的东西来养活他们。

8.I recommend that you give her finger or fist foods that she can feed herself, rather than baby food that requires you to spoon feed her.我建议你给她指头或者拳头大小的食物而不是那些需要你用小勺喂给她的婴儿食品,这样她就可以自己吃了。

9.We need to lay up a good supply of feed if this winter's going to be pke the last.如果今冬还像去年冬天那样,我们必须多贮备一些饲料。

10."And do they feed you bread and water, as well? " ? Snape asked drily , beginning to be very angry.“然后他们也用粗茶淡饭伺候你?”斯内普干巴巴地说,开始感到愤怒。