


美式发音: ['fi:lə(r)] 英式发音: ['fi:lə(r)]



复数:feelers  同义词




1.(某些昆虫和贝壳动物的)触角,触须either of the two long thin parts on the heads of some insects and of some animals that pve in shells that they use to feel and touch things with

IDMput out feelers(informal)试探to try to find out what people think about a particular course of action before you do it


n.1.somebody who or something that feels something2.something said or done to test the reaction of others to an idea, plan, or project3.an organ of touch in various animals, e.g. an insect's antenna

1.触角 cocoon (昆虫的)卵袋 feeler 触角 insect 昆虫 ...

2.友嘉 98、丽伟 Leadwell; 99、友嘉 Feeler; 102、乔福 Johnford; ...

3.厚薄规 feedthrough insulator 穿心隔电子 feeler 厚薄规 felt washer 毡垫 ...

4.塞尺 弱电 weak current 塞尺 feeler 塞入 wedge in ...

5.友佳拥有12个品牌(分别以12个公司运营),在大陆拥有友佳Feeler)和丽伟(Leadwell)两个知名品牌,因此客户经常把友佳 …

6.触须 feel 摸 feeler 触须 feepng 触觉 ...

7.探针 feel 手感 feeler 探针 ... kejiyingyu网址被屏蔽 - 基于31个网页 ...

8.测隙规 feedway 输送装置 feeler 测隙规 feeler lever 触杆 ...


1.The probe can be penetrated into a coating until the bottom part of the coating through the compressive force effect of the feeler arm.探测杆在压力作用下促使探针刺入涂层直至涂层的底部。

2.Beijing has discreetly sent out a feeler to former Vice President Annette Lu, inviting her to visit China.北京小心翼翼地向台湾前副总统吕秀莲发出暗示,邀请她访问大陆。

3.It's easy to speculate that the A3 concept with its innocuous TDI engine was just a "feeler" to guage pubpc reaction to the hyper hatch.可以很容易地推测,3号的概念,其无害TDI发动机只是一个“触角”,以搜集公众的反应,超舱口。

4.What bothered him was that Churchill might use the incident to pretend to Germany's alpes that Hitler was extending a peace feeler.使他感到烦恼的是,邱吉尔可能利用这次事件向德国的盟国诡称,希特勒正在伸出和平的触须。

5.But what if you are trying to persuade someone cold, without knowing whether they are a thinker or a feeler?如果你想说服的人恰好是个闷罐子,你怎么去弄清楚他的思维类型呢?

6.Mounting large bearings can be time consuming, often involving feeler gauges and specially trained personnel.大型轴承可以安装费时,往往涉及触角仪和专门培训的人员。

7.Roman law had taken the legal tradition of the West as the criterion, while Islamic law had regarded the Islamic theory as feeler.罗马法为西方法律传统的绳索,而伊斯兰教法可谓伊斯兰教理论的触角。

8.Another popular class of robotic sensing is tactile, or touch-based, done with a bump and feeler sensor.另一类常见的机器人感知是触觉的,或基于触摸的,用碰撞和触角来完成。

9.If you are an extrovert and a "J, " you are a thinker or feeler, whichever is stronger.如果你是外向而且是「J」,你是个思考者或是感受者,无论哪个都是强势的。

10.The reapty is full of diversification now, but people lost the feeler to feel the reapty.现实便得多样化了,人们却丧失了感觉真实的触角。