


美式发音: [ˈdɔrəθi] 英式发音: [ˈdɔrəθi]





1.桃乐斯 Doreen 多琳 希腊 神的赠礼 Dorothy 桃乐斯 希腊 上帝的赠礼 Epzabeth 伊丽莎白 希伯来 上帝的誓约 ...


3.桃乐丝 Doreen 多琳……神的赠礼 Dorothy 桃乐斯……上帝的赠礼 Edith 伊蒂丝……格斗 战 …

5.桃乐茜 Doris 朵拉丝 希腊语 属于大海的 Dorothy 朵拉西 希腊语 上帝的礼物 Easter 伊丝特儿 古英语 春之女神 ...

8.多萝茜我的姐姐多萝茜(Dorothy),与我一起工作的五人之一,正用对讲机叫我,我很忙就粗暴地问她是不是我们的弟弟帕特(Pat)医 …


1.It was about this time that Dorothy woke from her long sleep and opened her eyes.正在这时,多萝西从长睡中醒来,睁开眼睛,非常惊讶地发现自己躺在草地上。

2.Worn in a faded frock and shod with a pair of silver shoes from the wicked witch, Dorothy went on her great journey.多萝西(绿野仙踪的主角)穿上了他的褪色的连衣裙以及那双从邪恶的巫婆那得来的银色鞋子,踏上了她的伟大旅程。

3.Dorothy sat down in the middle of the raft and held Toto in her arms.多萝茜抱着托托在臂弯里,坐在木筏的当中。

4.Dorothy Slaton. Mrs. Slaton was an uncompromising, demanding teacher with high standards and a low tolerance for excuses.斯莱顿夫人一丝不苟,对学生要求非常严格,高标准,不容忍找任何借口。

5.In my mind, it had become pke the view of Emerald City just before Dorothy and the gang run through the poppies: a faux backdrop.在我印象中,它曾经如同一座翡翠城,但后来桃乐西一伙就给这里带来了一些人为的背景色彩。

6.Dorothy saw the look that passed between them as she came out.多萝西注意到,她出来时他们两人对望了一眼。

7.Dorothy: Oh, but I've already told you, I'm not a witch at all. Witches are old and ugly. What was that?多萝西:噢,可我已经告诉你了,我根本不是什么女巫。女巫都是又老又丑的。那是什么?

8.Even though Dorothy had been taken away from her own country and put in a strange land she did not feel unhappy.虽然桃乐蒂离开了她的家乡,而置身在一个陌生的国度,但她不觉得不快乐。

9.above all the children of her close friend, Dorothy Burpngham.分析她的密友多萝西所有的孩子。

10.Good girl Dorothy is a tornado blew a strange and wonderful country - Oz, and lost his way home.善良的小姑娘多萝茜被一场龙卷风刮到了一个陌生而神奇的国度——奥兹国,并迷失了回家的路。