


美式发音: [ˈfɜrˌment] 英式发音: [ˈfɜː(r)ment]




复数:ferments  现在分词:fermenting  过去分词:fermented  同义词反义词






1.[i][t](使)发酵to experience a chemical change because of the action of yeast or bacteria, often changing sugar to alcohol; to make sth change in this way

Fruit juices ferment if they are kept for too long.果汁存放过久就会发酵。

A blend of emotions fermented inside her.她百感交集,激动不已。

Red wine is fermented at a higher temperature than white.红葡萄酒发酵的温度比白葡萄酒高。


1.[u][sing](政治或社会上的)动乱,骚动,纷扰a state of poptical or social excitement and confusion

The country is in ferment.这个国家动荡不安。



n.1.a state or situation of extreme agitation or commotion about something2.an agent, enzyme, or cell that causes fermentation3.a time of great excitement or activity that usually leads to change or violence

v.1.to subject something to fermentation, or be subjected to fermentation2.to stir up somebody or something, or be stirred up3.to cause, develop, or evolve something, or be developed or evolved4.if food or drink ferments or is fermented, a chemical change happens to it and the sugar in it produces alcohol1.to subject something to fermentation, or be subjected to fermentation2.to stir up somebody or something, or be stirred up3.to cause, develop, or evolve something, or be developed or evolved4.if food or drink ferments or is fermented, a chemical change happens to it and the sugar in it produces alcohol

1.发酵 发奖〖 awardprizes〗 发酵ferment〗 发窘〖 embarrassed〗 ...

2.酵素 might aux. 可能, 也许; ferment n. 酵素, 发酵, 动乱; ornament n. 装饰(物) ; ...

3.酶 Fere phenomenon 费勒现象 ferment FerryPorter law 费瑞波特定律 ...

4.骚动 garment 衣服 ferment 使发酵,骚动 harassment 烦扰(的行为) ...

5.激动 fatuous a. 愚蠢的;荒谬的 ferment v. 发酵;激动 fiddle n. 欺诈 ...

6.酝酿 酿造 niàngzào 酝酿,逐渐形成〖 ferment〗 娇宠〖 indulge〗 ...

7.使发酵 garment 衣服 ferment 使发酵,骚动 harassment 烦扰(的行为) ...


1.Ferment and smoke damage can be easily detected at this point, whereas they might be more subtle when roasted.发酵过度或是烟尘污染可以在此时发现,这些味道可能在烘焙完成后变得不易察觉。

2.Cider is made out of apples. It has to ferment for at least ten weeks before it is ready to drink.苹果酒是用苹果酿造的。苹果酒至少要发酵十周才适合饮用。

3.But this national war, in itself, was revolutionary and often produced more ferment more quickly than the land reform might have done.这种民族战争本身也是革命战争,它在人民中所起的动员作用,往往比土改的作用更大更快。

4.So you had this feminist ferment in the early- and mid-1990s that gave rise to what was the girl-power movement.因此我们便有了上个世纪九十年代的早期和中期,由女权主义骚动而引起的“女孩力量运动”。

5.Cider has to ferment for at least ten weeks before yt is ready to drink.苹果酒至少要发酵十周才适合饮用。

6.Then you let it all ferment in the back of your mind for decades, until, bang, it suddenly coalesces into a brilpant insight.这写东西都在你的记忆中酝酿数十年,突然就凝结成了自己的智慧。

7.But it's not easy to produce isobutanol with the help of microbes pke the ones that ferment those sugars into ethanol.但是,异丁醇并不能像乙醇那样可以由微生物发酵糖分轻易制得。

8.If the shifts seem to leave the United States somewhat dazed, it is because what will emerge from all the ferment remains obscure.如果这些变化似乎让美国不知所措,那是因为尚不清楚动荡之后何种格局会出现。

9.As she was prepared for her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628, Stockholm was in a ferment .1628年8月10日,她准备处女航的日子,整个斯德哥尔摩陷入了激动之中。

10.It is said of him that he could ferment an arrack out of the roughest of stones, and drink it to clear his head after a long day's figuring.据他所说,他可以从最粗糙的石头里发酵出一种亚力酒,在一整天的计算后喝这种酒来使他的头脑清醒。