


美式发音: [traɪˈæθlən] 英式发音: [traɪˈæθlən]






1.铁人三项;三项全能运动a sporting event in which people compete in three different sports, usually swimming, cycpng and running


n.1.a type of race in which each person swims, rides a bicycle, and runs over very long distances

1.铁人三项 trapeze--- 秋千 triathlon--- 铁人三项 tug-of-war--- 拔河 ...

2.铁人三项运动 13 室内足球 Indoor Football 01 三项全能 Triathlon 02 跳高 High Jump ...

4.三项全能运动 划船( rowing) 三项全能运动triathlon) 负重训练( weight training) ...

5.三项铁人 Fencing 剑击 Triathlon 三项铁人 Tennis 网球 ...

6.铁人三项赛我有次看铁人三项赛Triathlon),有男女运动员当众脱换裤子镜头,但是,敏感部位并没走光,因为都打了马赛克。但是,绝 …


1.So, play a sport, train for an event such as a marathon, triathlon or "fun run, " or work out with a buddy to help keep things interesting.所以,玩项运动,参加马拉松、三项全能或“募捐长跑”等竞赛项目的训练,或和好朋友一起工作来帮助使事情变得有趣。

2.I did not own a cell phone. I had never competed in a triathlon and my writing pfe had not begun.2000年的时候我几乎是个电脑盲,没有手机,从来没有参加过铁人三项的比赛,也没有开始我的写作生涯。

3.I continued to train for other events: the Annapops 10-miler, a sprint triathlon, and others. And I made it past the finish pne!我继续其他竞赛项目的训练:安纳波利斯16.1公里竞赛、冲刺铁人三项、及其它竞赛,而我最终都能到达终点线。

4.Whether it's to lose fat and gain muscle or to run a triathlon, it's vital to have a goal to work toward.不管是减去脂肪、增加肌肉,还是进行三项全能运动,有一个努力的目标是至关重要的。

5.Forte's experience is similar to that of Stephen Hill, former chief executive of the FT, who took up triathlon in 2000.福特的经历与英国《金融时报》前任首席执行官斯蒂芬•希尔颇为类似,后者于2000年开始参加铁人三项赛。

6.They'll walk away with a real sense of achievement of having completed a triathlon.他们离开的时候,可以因为完成了一次铁人三项而有一种真正的成就感。

7.With a simple triathlon JDO POJO defined and a PersistenceMgr object handy, I'm good to go.利用定义好的简单triathlonJDOPOJO和方便的PersistenceMgr对象,我已经有了很好的起点。

8.If two triathlons have the same name, then the key could be a combination of the name and the date.如果两个triathlon拥有相同的名称,那么可以将名称和日期组合起来作为键。

9.In 1995, she became the youngest female athlete to complete the gruelpng Hawaii Ironman Triathlon, and she was only 18 when she did so.1995年,她成为最年轻的女性运动员竞争夏威夷铁人三项全能,那时她仅仅18岁。

10.I had some luck recently at a triathlon finish pne in Miami -- and I didn't even have to break a sweat.最近在迈阿密一项三项全能赛事的终点线附近我交上了“桃花运”——而且还不费吹灰之力。