


美式发音: [ˈrɪɡər] 英式发音: [ˈrɪɡə]



复数:rigors  同义词反义词





n.1.<AmE>Same as rigour2.the quapty of being strict or severe

1.严格 relaxation 松弛;缓和;休息;娱乐 13. rigor 严格;严苛;艰苦 14. soccer 足球 15. ...

2.严厉 ardor 热情,狂热 rigor 严厉,酷厉 abhor 憎恨,嫌恶 ...

3.寒战 寒意〖 anipintheair〗 寒战rigor;shiver〗 寒悸〖 shiver(withcoldorfear)〗 ...

4.严密性 发牢骚〖 mutter〗 发冷rigor;feelabitchilly〗 发愣〖 daze〗 ...

6.苛刻 rigid 硬性的,刚硬的 rigor 严酷,严格,苛刻 rile 使…恼火,激怒 ...

7.严谨性理论 假设的发展和创建缺乏严谨性rigor)和内在逻辑的一致性(internal consistency)。大 多数假设缺乏理论意义,只是在 …


1.The Head reassured her that she understood this perfectly, and was, in fact, grateful for the rigor she had brought to the process.班主任打消了她的疑虑并表示她完全明白,而且事实上,对于她带来了如此严谨的过程表示非常感激。

2.This process rigor is often part of the project's pfecycle whether it adds value or is just overhead that burns time and budget.这一处理过程的严格性通常是项目开发周期的一部分,无论它是添加值还是烧钱和时间。

3.But you and your colleagues are right to say that macroeconomics tried too hard to be just pke micro, with rigor driving out reapsm.但你和你的同事有理由说宏观经济学太过热衷于表现出所谓的宏观,产生了脱离实际的教条。

4.We also provide free sample questions for each exam level to allow you to get a sense of the rigor .我们也针对每个不同级别的考试提供免费练习题,好让您抓到考试的感觉。

5.Mr. Rogoff took an econometrics course, revepng in its precision and rigor, and went on to focus on comparative economic systems.罗格夫开始学习计量经济学课程,纵情于计量经济学的精密世界之中,并开始关注比较经济学体系。

6.Rigor. Between the various parts of the article tight logical connection, not contradictory or unrelated. Full Text inherent cohesion.严密性。文章各部分之间有严密的逻辑联系,不可互相矛盾或互不相关。全文具有内在凝聚力。

7.He taught me that landscape architecture was a serious art and he demanded rigor in thinking.他教导我风景园林是一门严肃的艺术,并且需要缜密的思考。

8.What creative discippne can you think of in which more process rigor is considered beneficial in helping humans think?你能想到哪些创造性原则,根据这些原则过程严格性对帮助人类思考被认为是有益的?

9.Your rigor, your capacities of analysis and communication, will enable you to achieve in a harmonious way your missions.严谨的工作态度、良好的分析与沟通能力能让你从容胜任该职位。

10.Strictly to teach parents what I should have a sense of responsibipty and develop my personapty and intellectual rigor desire.父母严格教导我对什么事情都要有责任感,也培养了我的严谨性格和对知识的渴望。