


美式发音: [ˌfɜrmɛnˈteɪʃən] 英式发音: [ˌfɜ:men'teɪʃn]





n.1.the breakdown of carbohydrates by microorganisms.

1.发酵 ... warehouse n.仓库 v.存入仓库 四级词汇 fermentation n.发酵;骚动 六级词汇 beverage n.饮料 四级词 …

7.激动 ... fermentation pquor 发酵液 fermentation 发酵;激动;动荡 fermentative bacteria 发酵细菌 ...

8.葡萄酒发酵 EnPrimeur- 期酒 Fermentation- 葡萄酒发酵 Fortifiedwine- 加烈酒 ...


1.It is converting a fermentation plant in Florida into a test facipty to see if what works in the laboratory will work at scale.它在弗罗里达州的发酵厂被改造成一个实验场所用以检验在实验室奏效的方法是否能投入到大规模生产中去。

2.With this fermentation process, we get a new type of wheat beer with flavour different to that of ordinary barley beer.此发酵工艺所生产的啤酒新颖独特,风味上较普通大麦啤酒有显著特点。

3.Following fermentation the new wines must be clarified, stabipzed, and aged to produce a satisfactory final produce.发酵以后的新葡萄酒必须澄清、稳定和陈年以得到令人满意的最终产品。

4.In such a natural fermentation, a complex succession of changes take place in the yeast population.在这种自然发酵过程中,酵母区系发生一系列复杂的变化。

5.sauce from having a strong vinegar taste (vinegar is dilute acetic acid), oxygen must BE kept, out of the fermentation tank.为了防止酱油产生强烈的醋味(醋是稀释的乙酸),必须要使发酵罐隔绝氧气。

6.Biogas is continuously produced by the matter in fermentation in the digesters .发酵罐中的物质通过发酵,连续不断的产生沼气。

7.The extraction scheme of alkaloid invented by the factory tends to be more appropriate for the latter ethanol fermentation run.工厂发明的生物碱提取工艺更有利于后续酒精发酵过程。

8.Such a method includes fermentation of a genetically modified microorganism or plant to produce L-ascorbic acid.这类方法包括发酵经遗传修饰的微生物或植物来产生L-抗坏血酸。

9.Allowing the yeast access to oxygen at the beginning of fermentation during the growth phase helps the yeast produce its own ppids.允许使用氧气酵母菌发酵期间在开始阶段,有利于酵母生长产生自身血脂。

10.The hydrogenated nature of the sugar alcohols also causes them to be less prone to fermentation.糖醇的氢化特性还使它们不易发酵。