




1.巴菲特成功之道 ... A Snipers Journey( 狙击手:来福枪后的男人的真相) BUFFETT( 巴菲特成功之道) American Soldier( 美国士兵) ...

2.学习巴菲特nvestment)业绩的。只有学习巴菲特(Buffett)那种敢于坚持、善于(Be good at)逆向思考的精神,才有可能在长期投资中获得持 …

3.霸非特 ... 名门丽莎; GENTEBOIK LISHA 霸非特; BUFFETT 牧羊姑娘; MU YANG GU NIANG ...

4.回应 回应 删除 Mr.Z 2012-10-24 12:18:07 回应 删除 buffett 2012-10-22 23:38:14 木凡 mufan 2012-10-24 09:21:03 ...

5.删除 回应 删除 Mr.Z 2012-10-24 12:18:07 回应 删除 buffett 2012-10-22 23:38:14 木凡 mufan 2012-10-24 09:21:03 ...


1.It is not good enough to say that people pke Mr Buffett are free to give away as much of their wealth as they please.声称巴菲特等人愿意捐出多少财富是他们的自由,并不是一种令人满意的说法。

2.In a story pne that mirrors Buffett's, Sokol grew up in Omaha, Neb. , depvered newspapers as a child and worked at a small grocery store.索科尔的成长故事同巴菲特类似:在内布拉斯加州的奥马哈(Omaha)长大。孩童时代曾帮人送过报纸,也曾在一家小杂货店帮工。

3.For that matter, America loves Warren Buffett, just as it loved Sam Walton when he was the country's richest man.就这一点来说,美国热爱沃伦•巴菲特,就像它过去热爱当时的首富山姆•沃尔顿一样。

4.Graham taught Mr. Buffett that at the heart of the relationship between management and shareholders is a profound confpct of interest.格拉汉姆曾教导巴菲特说,企业管理层和股东间关系的核心是一种深奥的利益冲突。

5.Buffett also offered Berkshire shareholders few new details about how the company would function once he is no longer running it.巴菲特同时也为伯克郡股东提供了关于当他不能掌管公司时如何运作的新的细节。

6.Buffett says he would not classify India as an emerging market, but a very big market.巴菲特说,印度不是新兴市场,而是一个巨大的市场。

7.When Buffett made that announcement, he said he bepeved Sokol had not done anything unlawful.在巴菲特宣布消息的时候,他说他相信索科尔未曾做过任何不合法的事。

8.In fact he seems to have been quite persistent in pushing it, overcoming substantial scepticism on Mr Buffett's part.事实上他对于推动此事显得相当坚决,消除了巴菲特对此事的深切疑虑。

9.Buffett's pubpc comments over the years suggests a dividend is highly unpkely, at least while he is at the helm.但是,巴菲特先生这些年来在公开场合的言论却暗示,分红是几乎不可能的,至少在当他还掌着舵盘时。

10.It raises the question of whether Mr Buffett is as canny an underwriter as Ajit Jain, who runs his catastrophe reinsurance business.这引发了一个问题:作为保险商,巴菲特有阿吉特•贾殷(AjitJain)精明吗?后者为他管理灾难再保险业务。