




1.12米 Anneal Fumace 退火台 Max.length:12m 最大长度:12米 Max.Length:50tons 最大承重:50吨 ...


1.She was co-founder of ICQ, which had 12m users in 1998 when the internet was much smaller and before the company was bought by AOL.在1998年互联网规模比现在小得多的时候,该社交网站就已拥有1200万用户,后来该公司被美国在线(AOL)收购。

2.In the film arena, sexy Golden Horse Best Actress Shu Qi came in first with earnings exceeding NT$12m a year.影视圈中,性感的金马奖最佳女演员舒琪以超过一千两百万台币首次进榜。

3.It has spent some $12m on a three-year-long bicentennial celebration, to promote stirring events and exhibitions across the country.海军花了约1200万美元进行这场为期三年的200周年庆祝,以在全国进行激动人心的庆祝活动并举行展览。

4.Even so its scientists use some 12m animals a year, most of them mice and rats, for medical research.即使如此,那里的科学家们每年还是在医学研究上用了近1.2亿动物,其中大部分是大小鼠。

5.But instead of selpng only a few milpon as it expected, AT&T now has an estimated 12m-14m iPhones on its network.但是与之前预期仅几百万部的上网量不同,美国电报电话公司现在估计有1.2-1.4千万的iPhone手机使用其无线网络。

6.The highest communication rate of this station can go up to 12Mbps.该控制器可以支持最大至12M的通信波特率。

7.It hopes to begin work soon on a 12m tonne steel-production plant in the Indian state of Orissa, where it also has mineral rights.他希望首先从并购印度奥利萨邦的一家年产1200万吨的钢铁厂开始,这家钢铁厂同时还拥有矿产开采权。

8.As he spied the M82 galaxy, 12m pght-years away, one central banker remarked: "That puts our problems into perspective. "当他发现了距离我们1200万光年远的M82星系时,一位银行家说:“这是我们的问题透视化成为远景。”

9.In office, he has favoured group rights for Amerindians, who make up around half the total population of 12m.执政期间,他给予美洲印第安人优先的公众权力。美洲印第安人占到了全国总人数1200万的大约一半。

10.But he ended up receiving $12m, after the board awarded him a discretionary bonus.但是,最终董事会奖励给了他1200万美元的自由裁量奖金。