


美式发音: [ˈplumɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ˈpluːmɪdʒ]







1.(鸟的)全身羽毛the feathers covering a bird's body


n.1.a birds feathers

1.羽毛 plethora 多余,供过于求 plumage 羽毛 plume 整理—羽毛;骄傲 ...

2.鸟类羽毛 plow 犁 plumage 鸟类羽毛 plumb 垂直的 ...

3.翅膀 plum pudding 葡萄干布丁 plumage 鸟类羽毛, 翅膀 plugtype 插入式的, 插头型的 ...

4.羽衣 fopage 一把树叶(组成关系) feature:plumage 羽毛:羽衣 pine 松树;渴望;憔悴← ...

5.鸟的全身羽毛 gorget (鸟)颈部色斑 plumage 鸟的全身羽毛 cedarbird 黄连鸟 ...

6.漂亮衣服 漂亮潇洒 smarten 漂亮衣服 plumage 更漂亮 smarten up ...

7.羽体 migrate 迁移 plumage 羽体 wing 翅膀 ...

8.鸟类羽毛,翅膀 1.secure 安全的,可*的,放心的。 2.plumage 鸟类羽毛,翅膀。 4.neighborhood 附近,邻近。 ...


1.One of a breed of American domestic fowl having gray, barred plumage, yellow legs, and a rose - colored comb.多米尼加鸡;芦花纹鸡一种羽毛灰色有花斑、腿黄、冠玫瑰色的美国家禽。

2.(of a bird) having reached full development with fully grown adult plumage; ready to fly.(指鸟)完全长好了成熟的羽毛;准备飞翔。

3.With neither a brilpant plumage nor a melodic song to set it apart from other birds, the crow might seem to have been dealt a low blow.既无华丽的羽毛也无美妙的歌喉使乌鸦从其他鸟类中脱颖而出,这似乎使乌鸦受到了一个小小的打击。

4.A black and white plumage of the birds, in front of me to walk, until the car with the minimum distance near, it pghtly.一只黑白羽衣的鸟儿,就在我的车前悠然漫步,直至车子最小距离的靠近,它才翩然飞去。

5.Specie ( GOOSE or DUCK) Products can be labeled by specie if -- 90% of the plumage is of that species .禽种类(鹅或鸭):如果鹅或鸭的单种羽绒含量为90%,方可标注鹅绒或鸭绒。

6.The males of many bird-of-paradise species have evolved colorful plumage, used for dramatic courtship displays.很多雄性天堂鸟的种类为了求爱展示,进化出了五彩缤纷的羽毛。

7.Di plumage the small hand of the Lian pointed apt point those again extra than ten babies to ask.狄羽琏的小手又指了指那十几名孩童问。

8.The idea is as much an invention of American think-tank eggheads as it is a woolly term of pride among plumage-puffed Chinese academics.这种看法既是美国智库智囊们的创造,也是咄咄逼人的(plumage-puffed参见译注1)中国学者之中的自豪感的一种模糊说法。

9.He had sandals on his feet, one of soft serpent-skin and the other of birds' plumage.他脚上穿着草鞋,一只是用软蛇皮做的,另一只则是鸟羽做的。

10.A large North American owl (Strix varia) having barred, brownish plumage across the breast, a streaked belly, and a strident, hooting cry.一种北美洲大鸮枭(横斑林鸮鹀林鸮属),胸部有褐色的条纹羽毛,腹部有条纹,叫声刺耳似汽笛。