

long after

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1.久后 今后[ future] 久后[ long after] 娩后[ puerperium] ...

2.很久之后 ... not long after 不久之后 long after 很久之后 long before 很久以前 ...

3.很久以后 long before, 很久以前 long after, 很久以后 before long, 不久 ...

4.在…后很久 set out 表示“出发,开始,动身” long after 在…后很久,在句中作状语; long before 表示很久以前, …

5.在…不久之后 ... 2对…好奇 be curious about 3在…不久之后 long after 4继续生存 continue to exist ...


1.Not long after, a huge fish, as big as a hill, floated up in the middle of the sea and was washed ashore by the waves.不久之后,在海中央浮出了一条很大的鱼,这条鱼大如山丘,随著海浪飘流到海滩上。

2.Not long after the management decided to transfer the show to London. A second summer season did not seem to promise well here.此后不久,剧团经理部决定去伦敦演出。再在这里演一个夏季看来前景并不太好。

3.If I had more leisure time, I would probably watch the rain for another time. Unfortunately, it might be a plan long after.如果我有更多空闲的时间,或许我会再看一场雨,当然,这可能是很久之后的事。

4.Postcards continued to be used by people of modest means to convey important family news long after telephones ceased to be a novelty.在电话是稀松平常之物,人们曾还继续使用明信片这种委婉的方式来传达重要的家庭消息。

5.Not long after I got home, Mother got married to Dick Kelley, a food broker she had known for years and had been seeing for a while.我回家后不久,母亲嫁给了迪克.凯利。迪克是一个食品代理商,母亲认识他好多年了,两个人彼此也约会了很长时间。

6.Not long after that, at the age of seven, he began to play piano himself.此事过后不久,7岁的他就开始弹钢琴。

7.I continued to go for a year, long after I had stopped taking the tranquilpsers.我连续上了一年的课,那时我早就停止服用镇定剂了。

8.She said she saw a lot of woods and a stream full of big stones not too long after she was bpndfolded.她表示,眼睛被罩上没多久,她能看见很多树木和一个满是大石头的小溪。

9.Not long after getting back on his feet, he began mentoring schoolkids in the city.恢复行走之后不久,他开始在这个城市指导学童。

10.Her lonely isolation was the theme of a tragedy (Octavia) written by an unknown playwright not long after the death of Nero.她悲惨孤寂的一生在尼禄去世后不久就为佚名剧作家演绎成了一出悲剧。