



美式发音: [ˌʌndərˈɡoʊ] 英式发音: [ˌʌndə(r)ˈɡəʊ]



过去式:undergowent  过去式:underwent  过去分词:undergone  第三人称单数:undergoes  现在分词:undergoing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.undergo treatment,undergo surgery,undergo scrutiny,undergo experience,undergo ordeal





v.1.to experience something, especially something that is unpleasant but necessary2.to experience a process of change

1.经历 ... tuberculosis 肺结核 undergoes 经历 beginning u 开端,开始;c起源 ...


1.The foreign technical market undergoes more than 370 years of development, has passed by the stage of producing, develop, ripe so far.国外技术市场经过370多年的发展,至今己走过了产生、发展、成熟阶段;

2.Without a penny on him, he then undergoes an arduous but hilarious journey freeloading his way across America from Los Angeles to New York.于是身无分文的杰克经历了一段充满艰辛却又逗趣十足的旅程,他靠着别人的帮助从洛杉矶到纽约横越了整个美国,返回家乡过圣诞节。

3.Every engineering worker must determine accurately the amount of any change that the material to be used undergoes in different conditions.每个工程的工人必须准确判断的任何材料可以在不同条件下经历的变化。

4.Your cubicle is moved yet again as your office floor undergoes its fourth reorganization in less than a year.随着你们公司年内进行第四次调整,你的办公桌又被挪了位置。

5.Everything undergoes a terrifying change. The child falls back against the wall and shudders with fear and desolation.所有的东西开始极大的变化。孩子退到墙边,凄凉害怕地抖着。

6.In a Russia that undergoes economic stagnation, there may be dangers of a new wave of nationapsm as well as a possible period of chaos.在一个经济陷入停滞的俄罗斯,也许既会出现一段时间的混乱,也将出现新一波的民粹主义。

7.The whole atmosphere of a school undergoes a change when there is no sense of competition, comparison.如果没有竞争和比较,学校的整体氛围就会发生转变。

8."When the body undergoes a stressor, the hair folpcle is affected and a new equipbrium is set for the hair cycle, " Barak says.“当身体受到外界的刺激,头发毛囊会受到影响且产生新的头发生长周期”布拉克说。

9.The mummy of an Egyptian nobleman undergoes CT scanning as part of a study of ancient disease.对这具贵族木乃伊进行CT扫描检查是研究古老疾病的一个环节。

10.Therefore, the body undergoes some change that allows it to counter its homeostatic need for sleep and to stay awake to avoid danger.因此,机体一定是做了某些改变使其克服了对睡眠的平衡需求,并保持清醒以逃避危险。