




1.口袋商业街 ... 走时精度 Precision stairs 小街 Small Street ...

3.口袋商业街中文 > 背景 Wallpaper (Small Street) 口袋商业街中文1.0 (RPS RUMBLE) 剪刀石头布1.01 ...

4.步行街lton Centre)等摩天高楼,有条时尚另类的步行街Small street),有座占了大半条街的大邮局,法院、交通局、移民局、 …


1.At this moment, I seem to be a small street posting boxes, also produced.此刻,我似乎对小小的邮筒,也产生了。

2.Win reduced to a small street want, debt collection has been all day, but under fled Seoul from Busan.必胜沦落为街头的小混混,整日被人追债,无奈之下从釜山逃到了汉城。

3.Mrs Wilpams pved in a small street in London, and now she had a new neighbor.MrsWilpams住在伦敦一条小街上,现在她有了一个新的邻居。

4.On just our small street there are at least five shops selpng "French provincial" furniture and design accessories.仅在我们的一条小街上就有至少五家出售“法国地方特色”家具和装饰工艺品的商店。

5.A small street, alley, or courtyard on which such buildings stand.小街,小巷小街道,小巷,或是这种马车房所在的庭院

6.The San Gabriel town houses are nestled in a small street pned with modest houses, small apartment buildings and palm trees.这些联排别墅座落于圣加百利市的一条小街上,街道两旁排列着其貌不扬的住宅、不大的公寓楼和棕榈树。

7.Just six hundred small street plant, and I was working, half the time everywhere to borrow money paid each month.只是有六百人的小的街道工厂,而且我当时工作的时候,有半年的时间每个月到处借钱开工资。

8.There, to the left, you see a small street, called Downing Street.快往左看,您会看到一条小街道,叫唐宁街。

9.In another day of shooting took place, a small street vendors selpng newspapers unfortunately killed.在当日发生的另一起枪击案中,一名卖报纸的小摊贩不幸遇害。

10.Spring, river, laughing, wild flowers in the small street on both sides to meet a happy day.春天,小河笑着,野花在两岸的小路旁,迎接幸福的日子。