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网络释义:野生动植物保护国际(Fauna and Flora International);世界篇(FOOTBALL FRONTIER INTERNATIONAL);自由流体指数(free fluid index)



1.野生动植物保护国际(Fauna and Flora International)3》円堂守所率领的INAZUMA ELEVEN获得FFIFOOTBALL FRONTIER INTERNATIONAL)冠军后的十年后作为题材来写…

3.自由流体指数(free fluid index) feuerstein 燧石 FFI 自由流体指数 FFP 终流压 ...


1.After all, globapsation is unstoppable: so what if a few technocrats in Switzerland packed up their briefcases and went home?全球化毕竟不可阻挡,因此B卩ffi在瑞士的几个技术官僚收拾好公文包回家,又有什么要紧?

2.Gibbons have the longest arms of any primate, relative to body size, according to the FFI species profile about the cao vit gibbon.根据FFI对东部黑冠长臂猿的资料记载,它是所有灵长类动物中手臂最长的猿类,几乎与其身体一样长。

3.For instance, one FFI photographer discovered that a big cat had been following him as he set camera traps, Martyr said.例如,野生动植物保护国际的一名摄影师发现,在他设置相机陷阱的时候,一只大猫一直跟着他。

4.I've update our FFI implementation to be closer to that released by JRuby and the MRI FFI gem.我已经更新了我们的FFI实现,更加接近于Ruby和MRI的FFIgem。

5.The species was considered extinct until an FFI-led team discovered a small remnant sub-population in Vietnam's Cao Bang Province in 2002.该物种一直被认为已经灭绝,直到2002年FFI小组在越南高平县发现其一小部分存活的亚群。

6.FFI Distributors may only correctly say that we are EPA Registered.只有FFI的经销商可以明确地表示我们是EPA登记的产品。

7.Nokogiri is also compatible with JRuby, although it does require loading native code (it uses ruby-ffi).Nokogiri同样兼容JRuby,虽然他需要使用很多原生代码(例如使用ruby-ffi)。

8.FFI has been working to conserve the species since that first group was found.自该物种被发现以来,FFI一直致力于其的保护工作。

9.Critters not caught on camera also pestered the team during their five-year survey, according to FFI's Linkie.林基说,在五年的调查中,相机镜头未捕捉到的小动物也困扰着这个团队。

10.InfoQ: Is there any FFI or native extension support?InfoQ:是否支持FFI或者本地扩展?