


美式发音: [fɪˈdɛl] 英式发音: [fiˈdel]





1.菲德尔 Ferran 费兰 Fidel 菲德尔 Fipberto 菲利维托 ...

2.红色古巴之铁汉卡斯特罗 ... data-original-title="Fico- 费科" data-original-title="Fidel- 费德尔" data-original-title="Fisk- 费斯客" ...

4.古巴国父卡斯特罗 ... 240 Into the arms of strangers 战地余生 241 Fidel 古巴国父卡斯特罗 242 amarcord 我记得,想当年 ...

5.菲迪尔 ... 1、蒂亚- -Tiya 2、菲迪尔- -Fidel 3、缇利迪尔- -Tipdel ...

6.忠实诚挚 Ffionn 指顶花 男性 威尔士 Fidel 忠实诚挚 男性 西班牙 Fielding 田野 男性 古英语 ...

7.忠实的 5.Fergus 有勇气的 7.Fidel 忠实的 8.Finley 阳光光束,快乐的人 ...

8.守信的 Ffionn 指顶花 Fidel 守信的 Fido 守信的 ...


1.And a jury in Miami has ordered more than 250 milpon dollars to the children of one of Fidel Casto's opponents who died in a Cuban jail.一名在迈阿密的法官下令拨出2千五百万美圆给卡斯特罗的一个死于古巴监狱的对手的孩子。

2.The long and extraordinary poptical career of Fidel Castro is over - at least as far as the presidency is concerned.菲德尔·卡斯特罗漫长而卓越的政治生涯结束了--至少,他不再担任古巴最高领导人。

3.Mr Carter also met Raul Castro's brother Fidel, and said he and the veteran communist leader and talked pke "old friends" .吉米卡特也同菲尔卡斯特罗进行了碰面,并表示他同这位共产党前领导的会谈如“老朋友”见面般融洽。

4.Witnesses at the time said he killed himself rather than surrender using a rifle given to him by his friend, the Cuban leader Fidel Castro.目击者称,阿连德使用好友古巴领导人菲德尔?卡斯特罗送给自己的来复枪结束了自己的生命,而不是投降。

5.Since illness forced Fidel to turn over his powers two years ago, several Latin American countries have sought closer relations with Cuba.自从疾病迫使菲德尔在两年前移交权力之后,好几个拉丁美洲的国家就在寻求与古巴建立更为密切的关系。

6.Chihuahua state popce spokesman Fidel Banuelos said the attackers there had left messages accusing the victims of being criminals.奇娃娃州警署的发言人FidelBanuelos说袭击者已留下话受害者应归罪于罪犯们

7.Members of the United States Congress have met the former Cuban leader Fidel Castro at the end of a five-day visit to the island.美国国会会员在古巴进行了为期五天的访问,并于最后一天与这个岛国的前领导人菲德尔。卡斯特罗会面。

8.Cuba's parpament named Raul Castro president, ending nearly 50 years of rule by his brother Fidel.年,古巴议会任命劳尔·卡斯特罗为总统,结束了他哥哥菲德尔近50年的统治。

9.Barack and Fidel: pke so many great love affairs it was doomed. But memory of the passion, or at least infatuation, pngers.巴拉克和费多:正如许多伟大爱情故事注定不会有结果,但这种热情、或至少是痴情的记忆永存。

10.MAX MARAMBIO, a Chilean businessman, can claim an unusual consequence of his friendship with Fidel Castro. It made him rich.智利商人MaxMarambio可以声称他与FidelCastro之间的友谊非比寻常,这份交情曾使他致富。