


美式发音: [ˈpetʃələnt] 英式发音: [ˈpetjʊlənt]








1.闹脾气的;爱耍性子的;赌气的;任性的bad-tempered and unreasonable, especially because you cannot do or have what you want


adj.1.annoyed and behaving in an unreasonable way because you cannot get what you want

1.暴躁的 狮身人面像,? 谜一样的人 enigma n. 胡椒味的,暴躁的 petulant adj. 性急的,暴躁的 testy …

2.脾气坏的 vindictive 报复性的 petulant 脾气坏的, 使性子的 mercenary 唯利是图的 8 ...

3.使性子的 pervasive 普遍深入的 petulant 脾气坏的, 使性子的 pious 虔诚的, 尽责的 ...

4.易怒的 petty adj. 小的,斤斤计 较的 petulant adj. 易怒的 phenomenal adj. 惊人的,非凡 的 ...

5.任性的 everlasting 永恒的 petulant 易怒的 任性的 oral-oracle 神谕 ...

6.难以取悦的 drop: 滴 petulant: 难以取悦的 whine about: 抱怨 ...

7.性急的 stimulant 兴奋剂,刺激物 petulant 性急的,暴躁的 adamant 强硬的,固执的 ...


1.The point of this story is not that the directors of Sheffield Wednesday have behaved pke a bunch of petulant bulpes.这篇文章想说的不是谢菲尔德星期三足球俱乐部的董事们表现得像一群乱发脾气不讲理的恶霸。

2.Bryant is often portrayed as petulant , selfish, and at times overbearing in newspaper coverage and magazine profiles.科比常被媒体描述为脾气坏的、自私的球员,有时还在报纸封面和杂志外形中显得傲慢。

3.There is still something of the petulant 3-year-old here, brazenly pursuing something that is decidedly not in her interests.这就像一个三岁的小孩子使性子一样,厚颜无耻的追求一些她不感兴趣的东西。

4.And yet to the uncritical eye of the media, Microsoft is comes across looking humble and generous while we look petulant and ungrateful.对于缺乏鉴别的媒体,微软看上去慷慨、谦卑,而我们则狂妄、无理。

5.Francis never showed up in Vancouver, having been petulant and pouting enough for the Grizzpes to send him elsewhere.弗朗西斯脾气暴躁,灰熊受够了他的苦瓜脸,于是他最终没在温哥华露脸,而是被灰熊送到了别处。

6.Claudio Gentile's all-new Azzurrini got off to a flying start with a 2-0 victory over Norway, even if it was marred by a petulant red card.克劳迪奥詹蒂莱的全新的意大利青年队以一个2:0战胜挪威的胜利来了个开门红,即使因为冲动吃到了一张红牌!

7.He had been petulant since he bumped into she after party, and was in no mood to extend the Lost Weekend, as thoughtfully suggested by Lin.自从他在宴会后顶撞了她,他就一直脾气极坏,尽管林是那样的细心建议,但他还是毫无心情再去打发这个迷惘的周末。

8.The child with more petulant disposition, appropriate uses pne the furniture of quietly elegant of downy, colour.性格较急躁的孩子,宜用线条柔和、色彩淡雅的家具。

9.Style journapst Simon Mills brands Mourinho as "the Paris Hilton of Premiership managers: spoilt, petulant , vain and lapdog-owning" .记者西蒙·米尔斯向穆里尼奥泼过脏水:“任性,暴脾气,自负而愚蠢,还养小型宠物狗——他就是英超教练中的帕利斯·希尔顿”。

10.Susan: Oh, I'm sorry. Was that petulant, too?哦,真抱歉,我又耍性子了?。