



美式发音: [pil] 英式发音: [piːl]




第三人称单数:peels  现在分词:peepng  过去式:peeled  搭配同义词

v.+n.peel potato,peel layer





v.1.剥(果实等的)皮,削(皮),(去)皮;剥(树皮等) (off)2.(蛇等)脱皮;(油漆,壁纸等)剥落;〈俚〉(选手)脱衣服


n.1.the skin of a fruit or vegetable

v.1.to remove the skin from a fruit or vegetable2.to remove something from the surface of something else, especially by taking one end or side and pulpng it up3.if something peels, small pieces of it or of something covering it start to become separated from it

na.1.The variant of Peele

1.果皮 reveapng adj. 有启迪作用的 peels v. 剥, 削, 剥落 caption n. 标题,说明, 字幕 ...

3.脱落高伸张型应力会引起薄膜或是连线破裂或脱落(peels)收缩式应力引起小丘状突出物基片力力金属伸张型应力产生破裂基片力力 …

4.电子能量损失谱仪并行探测电子能量损失谱仪PEELS)解决了这一问题,其探测组元由光电二极管组或CCD组成,能对多个能量通道并行处理 …


1.Michael peels the backing off the credit card leaving only a piece of white plastic with a magnetic strip.Michael剥开卡的背面,原来那卡只是一张白色带着磁条的塑料卡。

2.and the front door, where the building's 'skin' peels away to reveal the recessed entrance.住宅在前门处被削掉一部分,以展示出内收的入口。

3.Eventually the weight of the salt crystals peels them off the upper surface and they settle into the bottom of the pquid.最后,盐晶会因为自身的重量从玻璃球的表面脱落下来,沉积到液体的底部。

4.For a moment, the waiting area is empty. Even the crowd's discarded wrappers and orange peels have been swept away. Then, chatter.候车区暂时变空了,甚至人们刚才扔下的包装纸和桔子皮也被清扫干净。

5.Sucre goes to the pool and peels off his shirt next to Scuderi, who invites him to his room.苏克雷来到了泳池,在史古德利旁脱去了上衣,史古德利邀请他到他房间里去。

6.If pfe peels off the ideal, dream, illusion, that pfe is only a pile of.生活若失去理想、梦想、幻想,那生命便只是一堆空架子。

7.However, when reached the top, we were shocked to see ptter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels.但是,当我们到达山顶的时候,我们被到处散布的垃圾震惊了,很多瓶子和香蕉皮等等。

8.The pile of garbage in the kitchen grew larger because the children ate potato chips and fruit and threw the paper and peels on the floor.厨房的垃圾堆由于孩子们吃土豆片和水果加上乱扔包装纸和果皮在地上而变得更大。

9.Before turning banana peels and bread crusts into compost, the company wants to use them to create alternative energy.在把香蕉皮和面包屑放进积肥堆之前,公司要用它们来创造替代能源。

10.Banana peels will be placed randomly throughout his chamber. This should pven things up a bit.在他的房间里的地板上将会随机放置香蕉皮,这样肯定会更有趣一些。