


美式发音: [faɪf] 英式发音: [faɪf]







1.小横笛(用于军乐中,与鼓合奏)a musical instrument pke a small flute that plays high notes and is used with drums in miptary music



n.1.[Music]a small high-pitched flute without keys, often used in miptary and marching bands

1.法夫 Fiddle 古提琴 Fife 横笛 Flageolet 六孔的竖笛 ...

3.法夫郡 15 Dale 48 Rafia 81 Fad 时尚 22 Nan 55 Lily 88 Fife 笛子 27 Nag 60 Chase 93 Bum 游民 ...


8.有林地山丘的伊夫圣安德鲁斯位于一个令人瞩目的位置,小镇的一方有林地山丘的伊夫Fife)郊区,但从北部和东部地区来看,圣安德鲁斯横跨 …


1.The couple have been together for eight years. They first met as undergraduates while studying at St. Andrews University in Fife, Scotland.威廉王子与米德尔顿已交往八年,他们作为本科生在苏格兰法夫郡的圣安德鲁斯大学(St.AndrewsUniversity)学习时第一次见面。

2.Group photo with Golden Eagle Gymnastic Team, Rainbow Dance Group, Bauhinia Drum and Fife Corp as well as all helpers.与金鹰体操队,天虹舞蹈组,紫荆鼓笛队及众工作人员合照。

3.When Mr Nicholson, of Fife, had lost his father, the dog was there to help.当尼科尔森失去父亲时,是身旁的伊沃帮他渡过难关;

4.1842 Sir James Dewar, Scottish physicist and chemist and inventor of the vacuum flask, was born in Fife.1842年,苏格兰物理学家、化学家、真空管发明人詹姆斯.德沃尔爵士出生于法夫。更详细。

5.America is any tune you want to play with fife and drum, fiddle or horn to estabpsh the beat and rhythm of the upward march to high goals.是一个任你用横笛、鼓、提琴或号角演奏的曲调,这个曲调奠定着通向高远目标的积极向上的节拍和韵律。

6.Dolphins communicate pke humans by calpng each other by name, scientists in Fife reported on Monday.本周一,苏格兰法夫郡的科学家们公布,海豚和人类一样,通过称呼对方的“名字”进行交流。

7.The pomp included an elaborate honor guard, a miptary band, a fife and drum corps and the full 21-gun salute given visiting heads of state.这种排场包括一个精心挑选的荣誉保镖,一支军乐队,一排笛鼓合奏的仪仗兵和专为国家元首来访而鸣的21声礼炮。

8.Brown returned to his family home in Fife after losing the election in May.五月份选举失利后,布朗就回到他的家乡法夫。

9.PLEASE NOTE: The Drum & Fife Music Pack is a separate optional add-on.请注意:鼓及鼓笛音乐包是一个独立的可选附加。

10.Why else, after all, would he have proposed a Tobin tax at the G20 meeting in Fife last weekend?别忘了,他上周末不是刚刚在伐夫郡举行的G20会议中提议征收托宾税吗?