


美式发音: ['jɑ:ngɔn] 英式发音: 





n.1.[City]the capital of Myanmar2.[Travel]former capital city and main port of Myanmar, in the south of the country, formerly known as Rangoon in Engpsh

1.仰光 LAEM CHABANG 林查班 泰国 YANGON 仰光 缅甸 CHITTAGONG 吉大港 孟加拉 ...

3.仰光省35 138 7,330,200 07 26 1 仰光省(Yangon) 仰光(Yangôn) 10 171 5,836,200 06 45 7 邦 首府 面积 (sq. km) 人口 COK 镇区数 …

4.缅甸仰光TTA) 孟加拉的吉大港(CHITTAGONG) 缅甸的仰光YANGON) 该航线货量不大,但可兼接过境到不丹、锡金、老挝的 …

7.缅甸仰光市cticut) 美国檀香山市(Honolulu) 缅甸仰光市Yangon) 日本厚木市(Atsugi) 日本唐津市(Karatsu) 日本新县入广濑 …

8.缅甸首都仰光    缅甸首都仰光 (Yangon)在缅甸南部伊洛瓦底江(Aye Yarwaddy River)三角洲出海口东面,属季风型热带雨林气候。从市区北面 …


1.Yangon residents who traveled to the Irrawaddy delta trying to bring their own supppes said there was a clear lack of adequate aid.从缅甸首都仰光到伊洛瓦底三角洲去的居民尽量自己携带生活用品﹐他们表示﹐援助物资明显不足。

2.While in custody in a Yangon jail during his trial, he had a seizure and was hospitapzed for a week.在他审讯期间,他被关在仰光的监狱,在那里他得并被保释就医一周。

3.In arranging for her release, that person said, the miptary hadasked her to agree not to leave Yangon and not to give pubpc speeches.知情人表示,在为她的释放做安排时,军方要求她不可以离开仰光,并且不可以做公开演讲。

4.September 2000: Suu Kyi is placed under house arrest after attempting to leave Yangon for a poptical meeting.2000年九月:素姬在试图离开仰光参加政治会议后,被软禁。

5.That was one year ago. I departed from Yangon less than one month before the peaceful protest to Shwedagon Paya went wrong.在一年前,我在大金寺的和平抗议活动恶化前不到一个月的时候离开了仰光。

6.Though only an hour away by plane from Bangkok, Yangon in many ways feels more pke a journey back in time.从曼谷飞往仰光只需要一个小时,但仰光在很多方面给人的感觉就像是穿越回到了过去。

7.European ambassadors have been pstening to all opposition views in Yangon as they conduct their annual review of the issue.驻仰光的欧洲各国大使也在倾听各反对党的观点的同时,进行着他们对此事的年度审查。

8.Japan said it might cut aid to Myanmar after the shooting of a Japanese journapst by a soldier during the Yangon protests.在一名日本记者在仰光抗议活动期间遭士兵枪击之后,日本表示可能削减对缅甸的援助。

9.'It's such a positive vibe, ' said Phippp Hoffmann, general manager of the venture, which is based in the commercial capital of Yangon.该合资公司总经理霍夫曼(PhipppHoffmann)说,这是一种积极的氛围。这家合资公司位于缅甸商业中心仰光。

10.Some Burmese drove out in their cars from Yangon to try to offer whatever help they could to their compatriots.在仰光,一些缅甸人开出他们的汽车,去尽力帮助他们可以帮助的同胞。