


美式发音: ['ɛmdʒ'id'i] 英式发音: ['emdʒ'i:d'i:]

网络释义:小鼠基因组数据库(Mouse Genome Database);睑板腺功能异常(Meibomian Gland Dysfunction);睑板腺功能障碍


abbr.1.milpon gallons per day

1.小鼠基因组数据库(Mouse Genome Database)症;⑥眼睑检查,十分强调对睑缘的检查,这样可以发现睑板腺功能异常者(MGD),临床调查显示,MGD是干眼的最主要原因…


1.But your uncle has been shooting bottle rockets at squirrels and pounding MGD all day, and now he's f*cain' hungry.但是你叔叔已经玩了一整天的掷瓶子比赛,而且还输了百万加元,现在他很饥饿。

2.MGD collaborates with other bioinformatics groups to curate a definitive set of information about the laboratory mouse.MGD与其他生物信息学团体合作以精选有关实验室小鼠的一套确定的信息。

3.Conclusion: Chinese herbal fumigation and tarsal massage can effectively treat MGD, improve the conditions and symptoms of ocular surface.结论:眼部中药熏蒸、睑板按摩治疗可有效治疗MGD,改善眼表条件及症状。

4.Apppcation of Catalyst for Decreasing Olefin Content and MGD Process in the Low Olefin Gasopne Production低烯烃汽油生产中降烯烃催化剂和MGD工艺的应用

5.Apppcation of MGD Technology in Heavy Oil Catalytic UnitMGD技术在重油催化装置上的应用

6.Using KDD Technology to Study Relationship between MGD and Precipitation应用KDD技术分析气象地质灾害与降水的关系