


美式发音: [ˈloʊgən] 英式发音: [ˈlɔɡən]





un.1.highest peak in Canada, located in the St. Epas Range in southwestern Yukon Territory.

1.洛根 coconut 椰子 Logan 龙眼 strawberry 草莓 ...

5.摇石 logan stone 摇石 logan 摇石 loganberry 大杨莓 ...

6.洛根湖滨水区 玉米地的小孩 Children of the Corn 大男孩罗根 Logan 罗根﹒霍夫曼 Logan Hoffman ...


1.He said his coat ended up in the coat closet of his Logan, Utah, home.他说之后这件大衣被挂在他位于犹他州洛根市家中的衣橱里。

2.If I hadn't, Logan and I might have dropped together, and Clarissa would have been sitting here alone tonight.如果我不这么做,我和洛根会一起掉下去,而克拉莉莎现在只能一个人孤零零地坐在这里。

3.Now, in John Logan she saw a man prepared to die to prevent the kind of loss she felt herself to have sustained.现在,从约翰·洛根身上,她看到一个男人为了不让她自己所承受的悲剧重演而准备英勇赴死。

4.Boston's Logan International Airport spent more than 30 years trying to overcome community opposition to a new runway.波士顿Logan国际机场为了修建一条新的跑道,花了30年时间来消除公众的反对。

5.At the age of twenty-one, however, I came under a new influence, that of my future brother-in-law, Logan Pearsall Smith.在二十一岁那年,我开始受到来自我未来妹夫,罗根皮尔索尔史密斯,的新影响。

6.Logan watched the smoke from his cigarette going up in a pne.洛根看见香烟冒出的烟向上飘去成了一条线。

7.As for Logan himself, nothing would stand in his way when faced with the opportunity to revisit the role of the would-be bounty hunter.至于洛根本人,在他面对再次扮演未来的赏金猎人的机会时,没什么能挡他的道。

8.The moment Logan hit the ground should have been the end of this story rather than one more beginning I could have chosen.洛根坠地的那一时刻本应成为这个故事的结局,而不是我当时可能选择的又一个开端。

9.Unpke some neighbors, Logan said, she never had thoughts of catching one of the turkeys in her yard and turning it into dinner.洛根说,她与一些邻居的想法不同,她从没想过要从院子里抓一只火鸡,把它变成盘中餐。

10.Chloe and Logan are both so young that it's pkely they'll have no direct memories of me.克娄依和娄更太小了,应该无法对我留下什么直接的记忆。