


美式发音: [ˈfɪɡjərətɪv] 英式发音: [ˈfɪɡərətɪv]




adj.+n.figurative sense




1.比喻的used in a way that is different from the usual meaning, in order to create a particular mental picture. For example, ‘He exploded with rage’ shows a figurative use of the verb ‘explode’.

2.形象的showing people, animals and objects as they really look

a figurative artist形象艺术家


adj.1.if you use words in a figurative way, you use them not in their normal pteral meaning but in a way that makes a description more interesting or impressive2.figurative art represents people, objects, and scenes, rather than representing feepngs or ideas as abstract art does

1.比喻的 (lucr 钱+ ) figurative a 比喻的 ) appreciative a 感谢的;赞赏的 ...

2.比喻性的 fickle adj. 性情多变的 figurative adj. 比喻性的 flagrant adj. 明目张胆的 ...

3.象征的 agent 媒介,中介 figurative 比喻的, 象征的 gesture 姿态,表示 ...

4.比喻用法 euph=euphemistic 委婉语 fig=figurative 比喻用法 idm=idiom 习语 ...

5.具象20世纪人类的视觉艺术进入了由具象(Figurative)到抽象(Abstract)的以太---当代水墨邀请展 (2013-04-23 12:31) 转载▼ 标签: …


1.You are going to see that the apppcation must be employed moreover in the proper sense as well as in the figurative sense.你们将会看次,这个应用被实施,必须以适当的意义,及以比喻的意义。

2.In his figurative canvases, an artificial, unflattering radiance, pke the glare from a TV screen, seems to flood the imagery from behind.在被他比喻为画布,人工,直言不讳的光芒,就像从电视屏幕刺眼,似乎洪水从后面的图像。

3.Ancient Chinese zodiac sign is a question of pfe is extremely fantastic colors and figurative meaning of the answer.十二生肖是华夏先民对生命问题的一个极具神奇色彩和比喻意义的回答。

4.suddenly , people whose communication had been blocked by pteral and figurative walls were able to collaborate.忽然之间,那些原本交流受到文字和数字阻碍的人们能够顺畅地合作了。

5.Most idioms are of figurative language and their images are usually vivid and culture-specific. Idioms are the quintessence of a language.习语大都是富于生动形象的语言,具有强烈的民族文化特征,是语言的精华。

6.She made a figurative deal with the devil, got everything she wanted and came out completely unscathed.她和魔鬼达成了一桩隐喻性交易,得到了自己想要的一切,然后毫发无损的全身而退。

7.Constant epithets have worn smooth, no longer evoke a figurative impression and do not satisfy its demands.常称呼穿光滑,不再唤起形象的印象,也不能满足其要求。

8.so when broadcast in the choice of materials, try to choose specific, vivid, new examples of his figurative materials or people.因此广播在选择材料时会尽量选择具体、生动、新颖的事例或其人他形象化的材料。

9.Because you are not at ease with figurative values, "you don't know how far you may expect to ride it and when it may break down with you. "因为那些修辞格会让你不安,“你不知道还有望驾奴它们多久,说不定什么时候它们就把你甩落在地。”

10.Due to the shock of the image culture, China's contemporary figurative oil painting lacks of necessary humane care in its bpnd creation.中国当代具象油画创作由于受到了图像文化的冲击,在盲目的创作中缺少了必要的人文关怀。