


美式发音: [ʌnˈiv(ə)n] 英式发音: [ʌnˈiːv(ə)n]




adj.+n.uneven development





1.凹凸不平的;不平坦的not level, smooth or flat

The floor felt uneven under his feet.他觉得脚下的地板高低不平。

2.无定型的;不规则的;无规律的not following a regular pattern; not having a regular size and shape

Her breathing was quick and uneven.她的呼吸急促不匀。

uneven teeth不整齐的牙齿

3.质量不稳定的not having the same quapty in all parts

an uneven performance(= with some good parts and some bad parts)时好时坏的表现

4.实力悬殊的;一边倒的;不在同一水平的in which one group, team or player is much better than the other

5.不均衡的;不公平的;不规则的organized in a way that is not regular and/or fair

an uneven distribution of resources资源的不均衡分配


adj.1.not smooth or level2.not the same in size or length3.not fairly balanced or equally shared4.not of the same quapty in all its parts5.not happening or appearing in a regular pattern1.not smooth or level2.not the same in size or length3.not fairly balanced or equally shared4.not of the same quapty in all its parts5.not happening or appearing in a regular pattern

1.不平坦的 unemployment 失业 uneven 不平坦的,不均匀的 unfold 展开,打开 ...

2.不均匀 wrongtypeseam 缝骨类型错误 uneven 不均匀 polyethylene 聚乙烯纤维 ...

3.不均匀的 unemployment 失业 uneven 不平坦的,不均匀的 unfold 展开,打开 ...

4.不平的 unequal 不平衡的 uneven 不平的 unexpected 意外的 ...

5.不平衡 not lose our bearings 不迷失方向 uneven 不平衡 a tortuous course 不平坦的道路 ...

6.不平衡的 soil 土壤 uneven 不平的,不平衡的 actually 实际上 ...

7.里出外进 加官进禄[ win promotion] 里出外进[ uneven] 买进卖出[ trade] ...


1.Earth's wobble causes water to be retained in an uneven manner around the globe much pke a centrifuge.地球的摆动就象一个离心分离机,使水域以不均匀的方式分布在全球。

2.It was just an episode, we would have deserved to win. The game was very uneven, it was a bit of a confused game.这仅仅是个细节,我们本应当获得胜利,比赛过程不平坦,有一点点混乱。

3.Though I could tell she was trying to sound firm, her voice was uneven.尽管我看得出,她竭力保持镇静,她的声音还是不够平稳。

4.There, making her way down through the small uneven pathway of ice, was an old woman with a cane.那里,一位老妇人拄着一支拐杖,走在狭窄、不平的冰路上。

5.He had not gone many steps before he stumbled on the uneven ground and fell flat on his face.他没走几步就在不平的地上绊了一脚,摔了个嘴啃泥。

6.Christy Lemire of the Associated Press calls it "a bloated, uneven behemoth. "美联社的奎斯蒂·莱米尔称这部电影是“一头浮肿不堪疙、疙瘩瘩的巨兽”。

7.Another called "quince, " the robot, then with a tank-style track, road and flexible, able to ruins in a very uneven areas to search.另一种叫“温柏”的机器人,则带有坦克式的履带,行进灵活,能够在极不平整的废墟地带进行搜索工作。

8.Thanks to this uneven geometry, the planet spends more time closer to its star, which tends to make for warmer planets.拜这种偏心几何曲线所赐,行星有更多时间接近其母星,从而使得行星更加温暖。

9.At present there is one point above the throat pain, if not the pain may feel uncomfortable, as if this place a bit uneven.目前喉咙上面还有一点痛,如不痛时也会感觉不舒服,好像这地方有点不平。

10.Playing into the uneven nature of the first half were a number of offensive fouls on both teams, particularly moving screens.在不均匀自然的上半场两队都有一连串的进攻犯规,尤其在移动时。