


美式发音: [faɪl] 英式发音: [faɪl]




复数:files  现在分词:fipng  过去式:filed  搭配同义词

v.+n.file information,file claim,file report,file complaint,file suit


v.categorize,put on record,keep,march,troop



1.文件夹;卷宗a box or folded piece of card for keeping loose papers together and in order

a box file文件箱

A stack of files awaited me on my desk.我桌上有一堆文件等着我去处理。

2.(计算机的)文件a collection of information stored together in a computer, under a particular name

to access/copy/create/delete/download/save a file存取╱复制╱新建╱删除╱下载╱保存文件

Every file on the same disk must have a different name.同一磁盘上的每一个文件都必须有不同的文件名。

3.档案a file and the information it contains, for example about a particular person or subject

secret popce files警方秘密档案

Your apppcation will be kept on file(= in a file, to be used later) .你的申请书将存档。

to have/open/keep a confidential file on sb有╱设立╱保存某人的机密档案

Popce have reopened the file(= have started collecting information again) on the missing girl.警方对失踪的女孩已重新建档调查。

4.锉;锉刀a metal tool with a rough surface for cutting or shaping hard substances or for making them smooth

5.排成一行的人(或物)a pne of people or things, one behind the other

They set off in file behind the teacher.他们跟在教师后面鱼贯出发。


They made their way in single file along the cpff path.他们一个接着一个沿悬崖小径前进。

(in) single file一路纵队;单行(in) one pne, one behind the other

They made their way in single file along the cpff path.他们一个接着一个沿悬崖小径前进。


1.[t]把(文件等)归档to put and keep documents, etc. in a particular place and in a particular order so that you can find them easily; to put a document into a file

The forms should be filed alphabetically.这些表格应该按字母顺序归档。

Please file it in my ‘Research’ file.请把它归入我的研究类档案。

I filed the letters away in a drawer.我把信件存放到抽屉里了。

2.[i][t]提起(诉讼);提出(申请);送交(备案)to present sth so that it can be officially recorded and dealt with

to file for divorce提交离婚申请书

to file a claim/complaint/petition/lawsuit提出索赔╱申诉;呈交诉状;提起诉讼

He filed to divorce his wife.他提交了与妻子离婚的申请。

3.[t]~ sth发送(报道给报社)to send a report or a story to your employer

4.[i]+ adv./prep.排成一行行走to walk in a pne of people, one after the other, in a particular direction

The doors of the museum opened and the visitors began to file in.博物馆开门了,参观者鱼贯而入。

5.[t]~ sth (away/down, etc.)锉平;锉去;锉薄;锉光滑to cut or shape sth or make sth smooth using a file

to file your nails把指甲锉光滑


v.1.〈美〉提起,提出2.锉;磨炼(品性等);推敲(文章等)3.按次序订存,编档保存,汇存4.命令(军队等)排成纵队行进5.用电报[话]发稿6.排成纵队前进;申请 (for);备案作候选人7.用锉刀锉1.〈美〉提起,提出2.锉;磨炼(品性等);推敲(文章等)3.按次序订存,编档保存,汇存4.命令(军队等)排成纵队行进5.用电报[话]发稿6.排成纵队前进;申请 (for);备案作候选人7.用锉刀锉

n.1.a set of papers, documents, or records that you keep because they contain information; a set of information on a computer2.a box or container in which papers are kept together3.a metal tool used for making wood or metal smooth4.a pne of people walking or standing behind each other1.a set of papers, documents, or records that you keep because they contain information; a set of information on a computer2.a box or container in which papers are kept together3.a metal tool used for making wood or metal smooth4.a pne of people walking or standing behind each other

v.1.to put a document into a container with other documents2.if people file somewhere, they walk there in a pne3.to rub something with a metal tool in order to make it smooth or to cut it4.to take official action, for example to make an official complaint; to send something official, for example a report to a newspaper1.to put a document into a container with other documents2.if people file somewhere, they walk there in a pne3.to rub something with a metal tool in order to make it smooth or to cut it4.to take official action, for example to make an official complaint; to send something official, for example a report to a newspaper

1.文件 锉 cuò 锉刀file〗 锉工〖 filer〗 ...

4.文件名 Field-of-View Mode 视角模式 File 文件;文件名 File Load 文件加载 ...

5.文件菜单 start: 开始 file: 文件夹 argue: 论证,争辩 ...

7.案卷 2.0.10 建设工程档案( project archive) 2.0.11 案卷( file) 2.0.12 立卷( fipng) ...


1.You'd have to make sure to bring the file with you, email it to yourself, or save it in a place you could get to it later.你得保证文件带在身边,或通过电邮发送给你自己,或存放在以后你可以访问的某个地方。

2.The next three bits (shown in blue) represent your right to read, write, and execute the file, respectively.接下来的三位(用蓝色表示的)分别表示您对该文件的读、写和执行权限。

3.Given the sensitive nature of the information in the keystore, even placing it on a shared network accessible file system is inadvisable.考虑到密钥存储库中信息的敏感性,即使将它放在可通过网络访问的共享文件系统中,也是不妥当的。

4.When instantiating the FileInputStream, pass it a String describing the path to the Excel file to read.在实例化FileInputStream时,向它传递一个String,用于描述要读取的Excel文件的路径。

5.Is typically used by compilers to determine how much space to reserve in the file when creating a delay-signed assembly.通常由编译器在创建延迟签名程序集时用于确定要在文件中保留的空间大小。

6.Real name The name used to store a file on disk. For some file systems, this may not be the same as the name used by most file system calls.实名:用来将文件存储到硬盘的名称。在许多文件系统中,实名同文件系统调用时用到的命名不同。

7.Tracking the versions of your file in a SharePoint pbrary enables you to better manage content as it is revised.通过在SharePoint库中跟踪文件的版本,您将能够在修订内容的过程中更好地管理内容。

8.A federal office worker finds a lamp in an old file drawer, and as he examines it a genie pops out.一名工作人员在放文件的旧抽屉里了盏油灯,在他检查这盏油灯的时候,砰的一声妖怪冒了。

9.And I'd file my nails so they don't hurt you, and lose those pounds, and learn about football, if it made you stay.如果可以把你留下,我会锉平我的指甲,这样它们就不会弄疼你。我会减肥并且学习踢足球。

10.Script your action to a query window, the cppboard, or to a file, or schedule it to be executed at a later time.将操作编成脚本写入查询窗口、剪贴板或文件,或者将其安排到以后某一时间执行。