



1.They advise that newlyweds should "not get a TV set for at least one year" and that "every master bedroom needs a good lock. "他们提议新婚夫妻应该“在至少一年之内不购买电视机”,而且“每个主卧室都需要配把锁”。

2.Get yourself a good lock for your laptop for when it's in your dorm room, and choose one that is pght so that it's easy to carry with you.在宿舍里给笔记本配一把好锁,并且选一个是轻的,易于携带。

3.A key that can unlock many locks is definitely a good key. A lock that can be unlocked by many keys is by no means a good lock.一把能开许多锁的钥匙一定是把好钥匙,一把能被许多钥匙开的锁一定不是把好锁!!

4.And a good lock-things get nicked around here all the time.还有一个比较好的锁头,天天锁着。

5.Put a good lock on your door to safeguard against thieves.锁好门以提防窃贼。

6.I need a good lock for my new bike.我新买的自行车需要一把好锁。