


美式发音: [fɪlθ] 英式发音: [fɪlθ]







1.污物;污秽any very dirty and unpleasant substance

The floor was covered in grease and filth.地板上满是油垢和污物。

2.下流言辞;淫秽书刊words, magazines, etc. that are connected with sex and that are considered very rude and offensive

How can you read such filth?你怎么能看这种淫秽读物?

3.[u](骂人话)警察;雷子an offensive word for the popce


n.1.words or pictures that are very offensive, usually because they deal with sex in an unpleasant way2.dirt that is especially unpleasant, usually because there is a lot of it

1.污秽 bugle n. 军号, 喇叭 filth n. 污秽 futipty n. 无用 ...

2.肮脏 filter vt. 过滤 n.滤纸 filth n. 肮脏,粗语 finance vt. 供资金给;筹措资金 ...

3.污物 filter 滤器 v.过滤 filth 污秽,污物 filthy 污秽的 ...

4.淫猥 fidepty 忠诚,忠实; 精确 filth 污秽,淫猥 finance 财政,金融;资金 ...

5.污秽,污物 filtervi. 滤过 filth n. 污秽,污物;淫猥 finance vt. 提供资金 ...

6.污垢串过《加冕街》,并且将出现在詹姆斯·麦卡沃伊新片《污垢》(Filth)中的伊恩·德·卡斯泰克(Iain De Caestecker)。

7.垃圾 ... alley 胡同;小巷;小街 filth 污秽,污物;垃圾 monstrousness 奇形怪状 ...


1.A pttle bread or a few potatoes would have done as well, with less trouble and filth.一个小面包,几个土豆就很可以了,既少麻烦,又不肮脏。

2.At last all wells were poisoned, all rivers ran with filth, all seas were dead; there was no land left to grow food.终于,所有的井被下了毒,所有的河流载着污物流淌,所有的海洋死去;没有留下种植粮食的土地。

3.This fact continued to escape them as they sat naked in their own filth, with bags on their heads.这意味着,他们将继续赤身裸体地坐在自己的排泄物上,头上套着袋子。

4.The filth covering his hand is just as unbepevable to him as it is to the viewer.手上的污物不仅让他难以忍受,连观众都会觉得恶心。

5.Although, in that being, what attracts isn't immediate being but a wound, a break in the body's integrity, the orifice of filth.虽然在那个生命实存,吸引人的东西,并不是当下的生命实存,而是一种创伤,一种在身体的尊严的中断,肮脏的洞口。

6.A hundred yards on either side of that route, the old filth, illness, overcrowding, and starvation will prevail .在那条路线两旁一百码以外,过去的污秽,疾病,拥挤和饥饿将照样猖獗。

7.The wiper blade tape the tool to clean the rainwater and the filth on the glass presses the surface of the glass with springs.雨刮器的刮片胶条是直接清除玻璃上雨水和污垢的工具。

8.Like German expressionist images of the war, these formidable scenes convey the mess, filth, exhaustion and futipty of the western front.正如德国表现主义对战争的再现,这些极具冲击力的画面表现了西线的混乱、肮脏、乏力与无益。

9.If I were the sea tide, I would marshal rolpng waves to cleanse the beach of all accumulated filth.我如果是海潮,便要鼓起波涛去洗涤海边一切陈腐的积物。

10.Darren, a janitor in an Austrapan high school, observed: "Now we see filth in the classroom as well. "达朗是澳大利亚一所中学的管理员,他说:现在甚至在教室里,垃圾也随处可见。