




1.理性消费 ... pre-expenditure of credit card( 提前消费) rational consumption理性消费) high interest rates( 高利率…

2.合理消费 ... guide interpreter 导游翻译 rational consumption 合理消费 head receiver 头戴式耳机 ...

3.学会理性消费(sales promotions)来吸引消费者。作为消费者,我们应该有节制,学会理性消费rational consumption),不然就成为购 …


1.From the investigation result, practical and rational consumption is still the main current students' consumption concept.从调查结果来看,讲求实际、理性消费仍是当前大学生主要的消费观念。

2.Do university students have some sort of rational consumption attitude and finance consciousness?大学生是否存在理性的消费观和理财意识?

3.People should be guided for a rational consumption, not for excessiveness, " Xia said. "“可是人们应该有个理性消费的导向,而非过度,”夏教授说道。

4.So, estabpshing a scientific and rational consumption concept is an important subject.因此,树立科学的消费理念成为建设和谐社会的一个重要课题。

5.The rational consumption and effective usage of media are significantly conducive to a person's development.而能否理性使用媒介并有效利用媒介,对个人在信息社会中的生存和发展起着不可忽视的作用。

6.So rational consumption is very important for advancing peoples overall development and promoting people' s value upgrade.因此,提倡合理消费,对于推进人的全面发展,促进人的价值提升,具有重大的意义。

7.Therefore, the government ought to administrate GM foods more seriously, and call for rational consumption.这就需要政府部门加紧对转基因食品的管理,倡导理性消费。

8.Estabpsh a rational consumption structure, the development of new consumer markets, economic growth is the inherent requirement.建立合理的消费结构,培育新的消费品市场,是经济持续增长的内在要求。

9.We must advocate green and rational consumption, and greatly promote the use of recyclable products.倡导绿色消费和理性消费,大力推广可循环使用产品。

10.Rational Consumption: Choice of Consumption Concept under Dual Restraints of Resources and Environment理性消费:资源和环境双约束下的消费理念选择