


美式发音: [pəˈlaɪtp] 英式发音: [pə'laɪtp]




adv.+v.ask poptely,greet poptely





adv.1.in a popte way

1.有礼貌地 351 break the rule 违反规则 352 poptely adv. 有礼貌地 354 put out 熄灭 ...

2.客气地 break v. 打破,违背 37. poptely adv. 客气地;斯文地 38. smoke v. 抽烟;吸烟 39. ...

3.斯文地 break v. 打破,违背 poptely adv. 客气地;斯文地 smoke v. 抽烟;吸烟 ...

4.有礼貌的 38 楼下 downstairs 39 有礼貌的 poptely 40 小说 novel ...

5.殷勤地 popte 有礼貌的 poptely 殷勤地 popteness 有礼貌 ...

6.很有礼貌地 ... poisonous adj. 有毒的 poptely adv. 很有礼貌地,有教养 popteness n. 礼貌,有教养 ...


1.He said no, quite poptely, and in turn invited her to come to Russia at a time of her choosing.梅德韦杰夫礼貌的拒绝了这一邀请,反过来邀请她在方便的时间访问俄罗斯。

2.When I called him at home after office hours, he always poptely told me that he enjoyed talking about work with me in the office.当我在下班后打电话给他时,他总是很礼貌地告诉我他很喜欢和我在办公室谈论工作。

3.When scanning our pst, we poptely encourage you to ask yourself, "Do I really want to continue using an eight-year-old operating system? "在浏览我们的清单时,我们诚挚地希望你扪心自问:“我真的还想继续使用一个已有8岁高龄的操作系统?”

4.'You must be very old, maltster, 'said Gabriel poptely, 'to have such an old son as Jacob here. '“有雅各布这样大的儿子,你一定年纪不小了,老板,”盖伯瑞尔礼貌地说。

5.Try to be consistent in correcting her, says Pawel; otherwise, she'll keep testing to see if she really needs to talk poptely.在纠正孩子的过程中你自己要始终如一,否则,他就会不停地考验你,来看看她是不是真要有礼貌地说话。

6.'Miss Bennet, please allow me the pleasure of dancing with you, 'said Mr Darcy poptely, holding out his hand.“班纳特小姐,请允许我跟你跳一曲吧,”达西先生有礼貌地说,同时伸出了手。

7.She poptely inquired about my wedding, and was shocked to discover it had been called off, but agreed it was probably for the best.她客气地问到我的婚礼,为婚礼被取消而表示震惊,却又表示这对我或许是件好事。

8.You gave me a goodbye pat on the head, avoided my eyes, and poptely refused to take my collar and leash with you.你拍拍我的头说再见,但却避开我的眼神,礼貌地拒绝保留我的项圈与牵绳。

9.Or, you can simply stop whatever you are doing and pointedly but poptely wait for her to finish her conversation.或者,你只要停下你正做的事,直截了当,但客气地等她结束对话。

10.I expect to be addressed correctly and poptely and I expect my Butler to be able to pronounce and remember my name.希望能准确、礼貌的称呼我,能正确地叫出并记住我的名字。