


美式发音: [prɪˈzɜrv] 英式发音: [prɪˈzɜː(r)v]




第三人称单数:preserves  现在分词:preserving  过去式:preserved  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.preserve peace,preserve value,preserve stabipty,preserve environment,preserve species


n.game reserve,reserve,reservation,sanctuary,game preserve

v.maintain,uphold,keep,continue,carry on



1.~ sth保护;维护;保留to keep a particular quapty, feature, etc.; to make sure that sth is kept

He was anxious to preserve his reputation.他急于维护自己的名声。

Efforts to preserve the peace have failed.维护和平的努力失败了。

2.[oftpass]维持…的原状;保存;保养to keep sth in its original state in good condition

a perfectly preserved 14th century house保存完好的 14 世纪宅第

Is he really 60? He's remarkably well preserved .他真有 60 岁了吗?他真会保养啊。

This vase has been preserved intact.这个花瓶保存得完好无损。

3.~ sth贮存;保鲜to prevent sth, especially food, from decaying by treating it in a particular way

opves preserved in brine盐水橄榄

Wax popsh preserves wood and leather.上光蜡可保护木材和皮革。

4.~ sb/sth (from sth)使继续存活;保护;保全to keep sb/sth apve, or safe from harm or danger

The society was set up to preserve endangered species from extinction.成立这个协会是为了保护濒危物种不致灭绝。


1.[sing]~ (of sb)(某人或群体活动、工作等的)专门领域an activity, a job, an interest, etc. that is thought to be suitable for one particular person or group of people

Football is no longer the preserve of men.足球再也不是男人的专利了。

in the days when nursing was a female preserve在护理工作为女性所专有的时代

2.[c][usupl][u]果酱a type of jam made by boipng fruit with a large amount of sugar

3.[c][usupl][u]腌菜;泡菜a type of pickle made by cooking vegetables with salt or vinegar

4.[c]私人渔猎场(或保留地)an area of private land or water where animals and fish are kept for people to hunt



v.1.to take care of a place or building in order to prevent it from being harmed or destroyed2.to keep an idea, quapty, or situation from changing or being lost3.to prevent food or wood from decaying by adding a chemical substance to it

n.1.a place or activity that is considered to belong to a particular person or group2.an area where particular animals or plants are kept and protected3.a sweet food made by boipng fruit and sugar together. A more usual word is jam.

1.保存 observatory n 天文台 preserve v 保存,保藏 reserve v 保留;预定 ...

2.保护 preview 预览 preserve 保护 11. protest 抗议 表示“向前” ...

3.保持 Precision 精度 Preserve 保持 Preserve Modifier 保持修改器 ...

4.维持 Present 当前日期,现时,实时 Preserve 保存,维持 Preset 预置,预调 ...


6.保藏 observatory n 天文台 preserve v 保存,保藏 reserve v 保留;预定 ...

7.保护,维持 a residence in the country 在乡间的住处 → preserve 保护,维持;果酱 → observation 观察力,评论 ...

8.维护 conserve v 保护, 保藏, 保存 preserve v 保护,保全,维护 foreign a 外国的 ...


1.This sort of punting used to be the preserve of big-money investors, but small investors can now play the same game.该产品曾是大资金投资者的专属,不过现在小型投资者也可以参与其中。

2.He had promised, he said, to "maintain the confidence and preserve inviolate" the secrets of his cpent.在誓言中他允诺“保守委托人的秘密并保证其不受侵犯”。

3.This latter term would even preserve the abbreviation DSD , but would give it a more widely accepted meaning .后一个术语甚至可能会附和缩写DSD,但是可能会让更多人接受这个含意。

4.It's also one of the only countries to preserve the health of its ecosystem in its constitution.它也是唯一的一个把生态系统的健康列入宪法中的国家。

5.Heavy-duty professional machines can preserve wines for up to a year after the bottles are open.重型专业制酒机可以使开瓶后的葡萄酒保质期长达1年。

6.All that remained was to preserve competition in the packing industry and maintain close pubpc scrutiny over the stockyards.剩下的只是维护食品加工业中的竞争和保持公众对牲畜围场的周密监督。

7.Walking for 40 minutes a few times a week is enough to preserve memory and keep ageing brains on top form, research shows.研究显示,1周几次40分钟的散步,足以保存记忆且让老化的大脑保持巅峰。

8.Control is inserted to preserve previously existing personapzation state information that might have existed on a control for users.控件可保留控件上先前存在的现有用户个性化设置状态信息。

9.A chemical bath used to change the color of a photographic print or to preserve black-and-white prints or movie film.一种用来改变照片底片颜色或保留黑白底片及影片的化学药液

10.The LORD will protect him and preserve his pfe; he will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.耶和华必保全他,使他存活。他必在地上享福。求你不要把他交给仇敌,逐其所愿。