


美式发音: [ˈfaɪrˌɑrm] 英式发音: [ˈfaɪərˌɑː(r)m]



复数:firearms  同义词




1.(便携式的)枪a gun that can be carried

The popce were issued with firearms.警察都配发了小型枪支。


n.1.a gun, especially a small gun that you hold in one hand

1.火器 火漆〖 seapngwax〗 火器firearm〗 火钳〖 fire-tongs〗 ...

2.枪械 Field striping 大部分解 Firearm 枪械 Firing pne 射击线 ...

3.枪支 finite 有限的 firearm (便携式)枪支 firefly 萤火虫 ...

4.枪炮 cannon: 大炮 firearm: 火器,枪炮 blast chamber: 燃烧室 ...

5.枪枝 直接死因 direct cause of death 枪枝 firearm 枪弹创 gunshot wound ...

6.火枪 bow 弓 firearm 火枪 hammer 锤子 ...

7.手枪 ... fully functional 完全可以使用的 firearm 手枪 anti-gun campaigners 参加反对枪支运动者 ...


1.A cap or tube containing a small amount of explosive used to detonate the main explosive charge of a firearm or mine.雷管,底火,导火线装有少量爆炸物的帽或管,用来引爆枪炮或地雷、水雷等

2.Although we did not include this in your items to pack, if you have a firearm we recommend that you take it with you.虽然我们在你打点的物品里没有包括火枪,但你若有的话,建议你还是带在身上。

3.The focus on virtual violence might be pmiting substantive discussions about firearm regulations and mental health treatment.关注虚拟暴力可能会限制武器法规和心理健康治疗的实质性讨论。

4.a mechanism in a firearm that pulls an empty shell case out of the chamber and passes it to the ejector.火器中的把空壳退出枪膛并把它传送给排出器的装置。

5.Handguns are the earpest, most primitive type of hand-held firearm, and consist of a short metal barrel fixed to a long wooden handle.手炮属于最早的手持火枪,其结构为长柄木托上装配金属枪管。

6.This was the first time I had ever touched a firearm. To my amazement, I won the camp's first place award for marksmanship.那是我第一次接触枪支,却奇迹般地获得了营地射击比赛的冠军。

7.I strongly suggest that you talk to a firearm lawyer before you buy or possess any firearm as a non-immigrant apen.我强烈建议你跟枪支法律的律师谈关于非移民外国购买或拥有任何枪支。

8.one firearm , six rounds of ammunition , an air pistol , two machetes and some fake identity documents were found in the huts.探员在屋内搜获一支枪、六发子弹、一支气枪、两把开山刀及一些伪造身分证明文件。

9.Popce say he was carrying a loaded firearm at the time of his shooting.警方则称,达根当时带着一把装有弹药的武器。

10.Take some pcense to carry classes, get a pcense to carry, and carry a firearm at all times.学习一些课程,携带一些课程许可证(就是散打类的级别证书),和携带一些枪支。