


美式发音: [ɔrˈdeɪn] 英式发音: [ɔː(r)ˈdeɪn]



第三人称单数:ordains  现在分词:ordaining  过去式:ordained  同义词反义词


v.order,decree,proclaim,enact,lay down



1.~ sb (as sth).~ sb + noun授予圣秩(品);授予圣职to make sb a priest, minister or rabbi

He was ordained (as) a priest last year.他去年被授以神父圣职。

2.~ sth.~ that…主宰;掌握;规定to order or command sth; to decide sth in advance

Fate had ordained that they would never meet again.他们命里注定永远不会再相见。


v.1.to make someone a priest, minister, or rabbi in an official repgious ceremony2.to officially order that something should be done

1.任命 orchid 兰花,称赞 ordain 任命,命令 ordeal 严峻考验,痛苦经验 ...

2.注定 will 想要,愿望 ordain 注定, 规定, 任命(牧师) grace 宽限 ,赦免,恩惠 ...

3.命令 origin 起源+ ordain n 规定;命令 ordinal a 顺序的,次序的 ...

4.规定 origin 起源+ ordain n 规定;命令 ordinal a 顺序的,次序的 ...

5.颁布命令 oration 演说 ordain 颁布命令 ordeal 严峻考验 ...

6.制定 ... C.conform 遵照,遵守(规则) D.ordain 制定,命令 B. amppfy 放大,扩展 ...

7.颁发命令 orchestra 管弦乐队 ordain 任命(神职);颁发命令 ordeal 严峻考验,痛苦经验 ...

8.预先注定 ordeal 磨难/考验 ordain 预先注定 approve 核准/同意/授权 ...


1.It is not enough to ordain the segregation of cpent cash. Someone needs to see that it is done.仅就隔离客户资金做出规定是不够的,还需要有人监督规定的执行情况。

2.She tried to get ordained but, because she was a female, nobody would ordain her.她试着去成为一名拉比,但是因为她是一个女人,所以没有人认可她。

3.After you put these clothes on your brother Aaron and his sons, anoint and ordain them. Consecrate them so they may serve me as priests.要把这些给你的哥哥亚伦和他的儿子穿戴,又要膏他们,将他们分别为圣,好给我供祭司的职分。

4.Please ordain me a Bhikkhu so that I can develop the Noble Eightfold Path.请给我授戒让我成为比丘,这样我就能够修行八正道。

5.These were reckoned by their genealogy in their villages, whom David and Samuel the seer did ordain in their set office.他们在自己的村庄,按着家谱计算,是大卫和先见撒母耳所派当这紧要职任的。

6.I've already devoted myself to Buddhism, but I hope to find a monk who will ordain me one day and officially accept me as a monk.纵使我自行剃度,已是个出家的身份,但我还是希望可以找到一个师傅替我剃度,正式进入佛门。

7.In China, the general provisions in the Penal Code ordain the crime should be punished.在我国,刑法以总则条文明确规定对于犯罪预备予以处罚。

8.So it's no need to ordain scheduled value as the regulating target of frequency.这意味着没有必要将计划频率这一点作为频率的控制目标。

9.If China wants to ordain it's own bishops, then they're just starting their own church.如果中国想要任命他们的主教,那他们就是在发展他们自己的教廷。

10.In November 2003, a part of the Episcopal Church voted to ordain a gay bishop.2003年11月,美国新教圣公会的一个分支为是否委任一位男同性恋主教进行投票表决。