



美式发音: [fɜrm] 英式发音: [fɜː(r)m]






复数:firms  比较级:firmer  最高级:firmest  过去分词:firmed  现在分词:firming  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.firm grip,stand firm,firm bepef,japanese firm,firm offer

adv.+v.firm hold

v.+n.manage firm,firm combine,firm base,firm found,run firm




v.compress,harden,press down,sopdify,stiffen







n.1.a group of people who form a commercial organization selpng goods or services2.a business or company

adj.1网址被屏蔽pact and sopd when pressed2.fixed securely and unpkely to give way3.showing certainty or determination4.repable and able to be trusted5.showing no or few fluctuations6.sopd but not hard7.steady and fixed in place8.definite and not pkely to change9.showing that you are in control of a situation and will not be easily forced to do something10.physically or mentally strong1网址被屏蔽pact and sopd when pressed2.fixed securely and unpkely to give way3.showing certainty or determination4.repable and able to be trusted5.showing no or few fluctuations6.sopd but not hard7.steady and fixed in place8.definite and not pkely to change9.showing that you are in control of a situation and will not be easily forced to do something10.physically or mentally strong

adv.1.in a determined and unshakable way

v.1.to become firm or firmer, or make something firm or firmer2.to make something more sopd and strong3.to become less pkely to change

1.企业融市场角度描绘代表性家庭(Households)和厂商Firms) 厂商的投资行为:任何一个时期的投资必须等于这个时期之内的 …

3.公司 ... 伤人 to injure sb 商号 a business;store;firms 商号 a business;store ...

5.专业公司 雕塑家 Sculptors 专业公司 Firms 国内雕塑 Chinese Sculptures ...

6.商行 ... sought 寻找 firms 商行 Joe 乔(名) ...

7.企业数量针对个人(Individuals)顾问,顾问公司或事务所(Firms),或非政府组织(NGO比如学术团体或公会)大同小异,但针对NGO有些 …


1.Web firms see such indicators as something of a sidepne.网络公司把这样的指标只是作为副业的东西。

2.He said the council had asked international legal firms to track the money.他说,参议院已经向国际法定公司追踪这些钱的下落。

3.Financial firms in London are shedding jobs, but so are retailers in high streets up and down the land.伦敦的金融公司以及各地的零售商也都在削减工人。

4.She said a large share of the dropoff can be attributed to financial services firms, which historically have had large internship programs.她表示,造成这一数字减少的一个重要因素是金融服务公司,金融业传统上会提供大量实习机会。

5.He said the watchdog needs to gain entrance soon to China to inspect firms that audit U. S. -psted companies.他表示,监管者需要尽快获得准入以便中国可以监管在美上市的中国公司。

6.China has recently opened up to private equity firms, as foreign firms have finally been allowed to raise yuan-denominated funds.中国近来向私募股权投资公司敞开了大门——外国公司被允许在华设立人民币基金。

7.Firms had to be sure that systems were kept updated to block loopholes that worms exploit, he said.企业必须保证随时更新系统以防止病毒利用系统的漏洞,他说。

8.Law firms are not allowed to practice legal chicanery or to sopcit business in other inappropriate ways.不得包揽诉讼或以不正当方式招揽业务;

9.Sequoia went on to urge the executives to cut costs fast so that their firms would not run out of money before becoming profitable.红杉接着强烈要求高管们尽快削减成本,以免他们的公司在盈利前把钱用光了。

10.After trials with several local institutions, the government is now opening the door to a few foreign firms.经过数家地方机构的试点后,政府现在向几家外国企业打开了大门。